First Days

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Btw Iris doesn't know about the name change!

-Adeline's (Prim's) POV-

 Today was my first day at McKinley and if I was still like Primrose I would be super nervous and probably wearing a unicorn shirt and sweatpants, but no. Now I'm Adeline Smythe, esteemed rich girl. Dad took me shopping and let me pick out a whole new wardrobe. I pick out my favorite outfit and take a mirror selfie on Snapchat of me in my outfit.  

I send it to Iris

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I send it to Iris. 


Iris: Whoa, whose that, cause my Prim would never ever wear that

 Prim: Oh, ha ha, new place, new wardrobe

Iris: And did you die your hair to a more blonde hair color?

Prim: Just the ends!

Iris: It's cute

Prim: Well, gtg to school! Wish me luck ttyl

Iris: luck ttyl <3

-End of Snaps-

It was a short ride to Mckinley and as I got out of the car my dad wished me luck. As I walk into the school everyone's staring at me. I walk up to two boys who looked relatively nice.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but can someone show me where AP algebra is?"

"Of course! Why don't you walk there with us, we have that class too! I'm Blaine," said the one on the right. 

"and I'm Kurt," said the one on the left.

"I'm Adeline," I say politely, "so what year are you guys in?"

"Juniors, you?" says Kurt. 

"Freshman," I respond.

"You're a freshman in AP algebra? Wow," Blaine looked surprised. I almost slipped into what I started calling 'Prim mode' and blushed and looked down, but instead I kept my head high and said thanks. We made it to the classroom.

"Can I see your schedule?" asks Kurt. 

"Ya, sure," I respond, handing the schedule to him. They were probably going to be shocked by my schedule due to me being in all very high up classes. What can I say? School is my thing. 

"All AP classes!" yells Blaine. I shush him. They hand my schedule back to me.

"We only have two other classes with you AP science and AP history," Kurt says. Just then a teacher walks in and faces me.

"Good morning class, welcome back to another year of high school," he says, "this year we have a new student. Would you like to come up and say a few words?" I say sure and stride up to the front of the classroom and I could tell most of the boys had their eyes on me.

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