The Making of Sebastian and Adeline

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Bartholomew Henry Allen and Primrose Marie Allen are not your average teenagers. Their mother was murdered when Barry was 11 and Prim was 9. Barry and Prim both claim that their mother was murdered by 'the man in the yellow suit'. Of course, no one believed them, it was insane! Right? Anyway, Barry and Prim's father was sent to prison for the murder of Nora Allen. The sibling went to go live with the West's. The two always got bullied for being the kids of a supposed murderer. One night the bullying got to far though and they both up ended up being sent to the hospital. Barry got a broken arm, a concussion, and a fractured rib, while Prim got a concussion, a broken leg, and two fractured ribs. Their uncle ended up finding about the whole incident and wanted them to go live with him for a little bit until the whole thing dialed down and that is why Joe, Iris, Prim, and Barry were standing in Central City's airport.

"Iris, I'm gonna miss you so much," said Prim hugging her best friend as tightly as she could without falling down due to her crutches.

"I'll miss you too Primrose Everdeen," laughed Iris, while Prim rolled her eyes.

"Really? I thought we stopped that ages ago! I don't even have blonde hair," I laugh.

"I know, I know, I'll miss you Prim," she lets go of the curly haired brunette and another short haired brunette gives her a tight hug, "and I'll miss you too Barr." 

"I'll miss you too Iris," said Barry letting go of his best friend. Then, basically the same thing happened over again with Joe.

"You guys will call, right?" asked Iris.

"Of course, every night!" replied Prim, "well our planes about to start boarding, we gotta go," she frowned.

"If you guys need anything, anything at all-" 

"we'll call, I promise," Barry interrupted Joe.

"Goodbye guys, see ya later," said the Allen siblings.

"Goodbye!" choked out Iris as Iris and Prim started crying. Barry led Prim onto the plane and put their stuff overhead. The plane ride wasn't very eventful as they slept the whole time. Once the plane landed in Ohio, the siblings gathered their stuff and walked off the plane. They then saw their uncle.

-Primrose's POV-

"Barry, Prim!" yelled our uncle.

"Uncle Liam," I screamed back as I walked over to him as fast I could and gave him a hug trying to balance myself.

"Why don't we get back to our house, I have something I want to discuss with you two," he states as Barry finally makes his way over to us. I mean I have crutches and I still got over here faster then him. 

"Okay," Barry says nervously glancing at me as we start walking to the car. As we get to the parking lot. I see a huge, shiny, black limo sitting in front of the airport.

"Wow, whose car do you think it is?" I ask. 

"Ours," replies my uncle, chuckling. 

"Seriously?" Barry gapes.

"Seriously," my uncle says opening the door to the limo for me and my brother and then climes in next to us. We talk for a little bit about what Ohio's like and before we know it, we're in front of a huge mansion. 

"Oh my god! Are we going to be living here?" I practically scream.

"Yep, and we have your rooms set up," he says opening the door for my brother and I, "but before I show you your new rooms, I need to talk with you in my study for a little bit."

"Okay," I reply rather cheerily. I mean, come on, who wouldn't be happy to be living in a mansion, even if it was only for a couple of weeks. He opens the door to the mansion and the place is huge. He starts helping me up the stairs and we eventually end up in his study. He sits in his chair behind the wooden desk and tells us to sit. We sit on the other side of the desk. It was actually a very nice study.

Sebastian's Sister (Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora