Chapter 26

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*Nick’s POV*

I watched Demi as she walked to class. She held the book so close to her chest, he bag hitting against her hip as she rushed away. Her hair moving against her back so gracefully under the red beanie that she wore almost all the time now. She didn’t want anyone to see her roots, which are growing out in a beautiful chocolate brown. Why did she dyed her hair prior, I don’t know but the mixture of brown and gold made her all the more beautiful.

Why is it now, I can barely talk to a girl. A girl who is too afraid of attention and makes herself look smaller than she really is. And not some any girl, but a girl who knows and talks to no one else but two people and her own family. And even still, she hardly talks to me or Michelle, who are her best friends, Joe, when they had dated, who she thought she knew but didn’t at all. Or her own family who don’t know more than half of what I know about her, which is still very limited. To me she’s still a mystery, but that’s what intrigues me more about her.

The more I get to know her, the more I’m surprised at what I find, and the more I keep falling for her. I try so hard to let her to know that I care about her more than anything in the world. I want her to know my chest aches every time she walks away from me because all I get is a simple hug, or even less than that. I want her to know that I can’t go to sleep at night because all I think about is her. I want her to know that everything I do for her is just for her, and not my own self.  I want her to know that I care about her and her happiness more than anything in the world, even if it isn’t with me. If the old me met me now, he would laugh and brush me off as a love stricken puppy with nowhere else to go. He’d join in with my brother and dad, laughing that I caught the ‘Love Bug’ because that’s exactly what I have. I’m so in love with her that I feel like I’m incapable of doing normal things, as if I was gravely sick.

In five months I’ve become someone the complete opposite of who I was. In five months, I’ve gotten to know a girl who broke everything I had set up to protect myself and left me vulnerable without trying to. In five months, I’ve fallen for a girl who was never mine to begin with.

I sighed heavily as I got up from the freezing bench. I sulked into school as everyone rushed past me to get to class. I slowly move my way to my locker to get my book when I see Janice, waiting in front of my locker. I haven’t seen her since the day of the party when we… spent some time together and her boyfriend broke up with her. I don’t really talk to that group of people so I wouldn’t even know if she left the country or not, not like I care much about them in the first place.

“Hi Nick.” She said with a sweet smile. Her fake red hair was flowing out from under her hat, which was unnaturally neatly kept in loose curls.

“Uh? Hi…Janice?” I said confused. She held her text book tightly against herself as she smiled at me.

“How are you?” she asked.

“Ok…?” I asked in more of a question. We were quiet for a while as I spin the lock combination and I take out my book.

“Look, Janice, I’m… Sorry? Yea, sorry that I kinda caused your break-up but it kinda meant nothing.” I said.

“Oh, of course, I know it meant nothing.” She said unfazed. I looked at her as she kept smiling at me.

“Then why are you here?” I asked, now completely confused, as if I wasn’t before.

“Just….give…me…a…sec…” she looked behind me, waiting for something. Or should I say someone. I turn around and see her ex-boyfriend, walking down the hall with another group of guys.

“Janice what is this all abou-?” she pulled me by my collar and forced me to her lips. The stale taste of her lipstick was nothing, and I mean nothing compared to Demi’s kiss in the closet in the dean’s office. The kiss in that small broom closet was more than amazing. This was just disgusting to me. Disgusting and low of her to even think this will her her in any way, shape or form.

My eyes we wide open in surprise and annoyance as I push her off of me.

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing with my girl?” Janice’s ex pulled me around, holding me by my shirt, holding a fist to my face.

You?” he said angrily as his face lit up with recognition, then furry.

“Whoa, dude, she kissed me.” I said. This guy was twice the size of me, and could easily beat me to a pulp. Thank god he was too drunk to fight the last time I was with Janice.

“I could tolerate one time, but a second time is a death sentence.” He growled.

“Calm down there hulk, calm your temper, we don’t want you turning green in the middle of the hall way. I don't think it'll look good in front of your floosy girlfriend.” I nervously said.

“What did you call me?” he growled.

"What did you call me?!" she said with her high pitched voice.

“Nick?” I turn around and saw Demi standing there, her jaw dropped. 

“Oh, hi there Demi. Um I can explain?” I asked with a nervous laugh, while inside I was terrified that she saw everything without knowing the truth. Tears formed in her eyes as she moved her hand to over her mouth.



The last moments I remember was the guy’s fist reaching my face, then a lot of stars. Then everything went black.


ahahahAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA  i'm crying so hard on the inside T_T

So, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is I won't be updating any one of my stories until AFTER AP testing is over. The good news is that i will have one or two weeks after before finals start so I plan to update alot more often in that time period!

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~Jen :3

Love Bugs [Nemi AU]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang