Chapter 24

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“Wake yo ass up!” A booming voice interrupted my sleep. I scream and fall out of my bed, landing on my face. Michelle stands over me with a megaphone in her hand.

“Was that absolutely necessary?!” I shouted back, throwing my stuffed toy at her. She giggles and easily doges the toy.

“Yes it was. Dude if you don’t get up, I’ll be forced to drag you to school.” I pull off my pillow from my bed and cover myself with my blanket, falling back to sleep on the floor.

“Ok then, if that’s how it going to be.” She said simply before sitting on me.

“Get off of me.” I mumbled incoherently into my pillow.

“Maddie come here for a second?” shouted Michelle.

“Michelle don’t you dare!” I shouted into the pillow, but she ignored me.

“Yes Michelle?” asked Maddie, tired. Michelle whispered something to her and I could hear her run off from my room.

“Mitch, what did you tell her to do?” I said into my pillow, and she answers with a giggle. Next thing I knew, she got off me and once I sat up, my face was hit with ice cold water. I move my dripping hair from my face as they both ran from my room.

“YOU BOTH ARE DEAD TO ME!” I shouted after them. I get up and slowly make my way to the bathroom.

Once I got out, Michelle and Maddie were in my kitchen, giggling at me.

“You both suck.” I sighed as I grabbed a muffin and swung my bag over my shoulder.

“Oh, come on.” laughs Michelle as she got up from her chair and got her bag as well.

“Oh, I forgot something upstairs. Wait for me outside.” I said to Michelle. She nodded, still giggling. Maddie wanted to walk her, so I watched them go outside before dashing upstairs. I got the large pot they used to cover me in water, fill it up with snow from outside my window, and run to my parent’s room, which looks over directly the front yard. Michelle and Maddie just happened to be standing on the perfect spot.

“Watch out!” I shouted before dropping the snow. Michelle and Maddie look up and the snow hit them directly.

“Oh come on!” shouted Michelle. I just laughed and ran back downstairs. Michelle threw some snow at me as we begun to run down the street, having a snowball fight. We reached Nick’s front yard and called his name out.

“I’ll be down in a second!” he shouted from his window. A minute later he was at the front door, bundled up and ready to go.

“I bet I can reach school faster than you guys!” I laughed, starting to run. Nick sprinted after me.

“Demi! The ice! We’re going to slip!” laughed Michelle as she carefully jogged behind us.

“I win!” I laughed as I reached the school, but the front was completely empty. The inside seemed dark and ominous. Nick, who was right behind me, stopped and stared with me.

“Hey! - What’s going on?” Michelle caught up to Nick and I and stared at the school next to me.

“That’s weird.” I said softly. We started to walk to it and see that the snow was a couple of inches off the floor.

“Guys, it’s Monday, right?” I asked. Michelle checked her phone and nodded.

“It’s 7:50. This is so weird.” Michelle stuck close to me as we looked into the school.

“Demi, I think we should go. School is obviously closed.” Said Michelle.

“Why would it be?” I asked.

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