Chapter 7

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“I uhh…” I just lost all words. Michelle made an awkward smile, and Nick’s face is kinda blank, hard to tell really. The bell rang and people begun to move towards class.

“I… uhh, I’ll talk to you after class!” I shouted before slamming my locker and sprinting it to class.

“I see you after then?” I heard Michelle yell faintly after. We made plans during break to meet up and hang out today. But after what just happened, I can only predict what’s going to happen.

Teacher went on about things related to government, but I couldn’t pay attention to any of it.

What would possess Nick to ask Michelle to be his girlfriend?

What possess Michelle to agree?

What the hell is Nick trying to prove?

Is this what he meant when he almost broke my window with the message tied to that rock last night?

“Ms. Lovato, why can’t the government control matters like drinking age, yet all the states have the same legal age drinking limit?” asked my teacher, snapping me out of my daze. She looked at me with a smug look, as if she wanted to embarrass me in front of the whole class. Well she succeeded, my face begun to go tomato red. Everyone turned around to look at me, only to make my face to go crimson.

“Well, um, the government proposed the idea to states and convinced them with federal grants for state matters, and something like that, yea.” I finished. The teacher looked surprised at me.

“Well done. Now, some people say by this, we grant the government more power over the states…” I sighed in relief as everyone turned back around and paid attention to the lecture. The bell rung, and the teacher dismissed the class. I put on my coat and walked out quickly to my locker.

“Demi!” I closed my eyes and composed myself.

“Hey, Michelle.” I said, putting on my best ‘I’m-not-phased-by-anything’ face.

“So, what are we going to do?” she said cheerily.

“Oh, um, I thought you were going to uh, stay with Nick?” I said. She scrunched up her face in thought and was cut off short before answering.

“Hey, I heard my name.” Speak of the devil. He walked up and draped his arm around Michelle.

“Oh hey, uh, Nick.” I said kinda quietly.

“Oh, we were just going to go hang out.” Said Michelle. He nodded and kissed her temple.

“Alright, well I have to go home, my mom wants me home early, I’ll see you two around?” and like that he walked off.

“Problem solved.” She said happily. We grabbed our books and headed out to her cute little red Mercedes in the parking lot of the school. I sent a quick text to my mom, explaining that we were going to the mall. The mall was quiet small, considering that it was a small town to begin with. We got frozen yogurt and sat down a fountain that gleamed with different colors every few minutes. People who knew Michelle already walked by and said hi.

“So… you and Nick huh?” I asked finally after a few minutes of just watching people walk by and hearing the water splash behind us.

“Yea. I defiantly didn’t expect him to be at the fountain. But, it was so different of him! He had a rose and he looked so… nervous! I didn’t expect that out of him.” She said in a dream-like state.

“I thought you hated him?” I said, eating a scoop.

“I never did, I was just frustrated with him. I guess he just did that to bug me. He sure knows how to push my limits.” I popped a gummy bear in my mouth.

Love Bugs [Nemi AU]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat