Chapter 16

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*Demi's POV*

"Nick, are you coming with us?" I was about to enter Joe's car when I see him just standing there.

"I have things to do, I'll tell you later, I guess." He said, stuffing his fists in his pockets.

"Alright then."

"Demi are you coming inside or not?" Asked Joe.

"Alright, just let me sit down." I giggled. I wave to Nick bye and sat down. Joe wants me to meet the rest of his family. All I knew was him, Nick, and his mother. I have yet to meet his eldest and youngest brother and his dad. I was a little nervous because it took a while for Nick to become friendly with me, how long will the rest of his family take? I've become so absorbed with thought that I didn't see that we were in front of his house already.

"Demi, it'll be alright. Trust me." He said with a smile. I smile back and nodded as we stepped out of the car and walked inside the house.

"Mom? Dad? Kevin, Frankie?" Joe called out, but no one responded. I walked in slowly behind him. His house was really cozy and clean. I was thinking different because the house was mostly guys.

"I don't think they're here." I said quietly.

"Probably went out. Oh well." Sighed Joe. He quickly took hold of my hand and smiled.

"Come on I want to show you something." He led me up stairs and walked me down the hall way. He took me to a large room where it had a large window facing the sun. It was just starting to set so it glowed merrily a bright orange.

"Wow." I breathed in.

"Yea, don't the trees block the view from your room?" Asked Joe. He came up from behind and hugged me and he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Yea, I only get to see it go midway. This is amazing." I turned around and kissed him as he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. The kiss quickly became heated as we trip over the bed, me on top of him. I take off my jacket and he takes of his shirt and we continue. He finally tugged at my shirt but I stop him.

"Joe wait." I said in between breaths.

"What? What is it? I have protection." He said, breathing as hard as I am.

"No, Joe. I don't think I'm ready." We stop moving around and he started at me for a bit. I get off him and stand up. I fix my hair a bit as he sat up.

"What do you mean 'not ready'?" he asked.

"I mean that I'm not ready for this. I think I should wait."

"We've been dating for a month!" He said a bit hurt and mad.

"And I think we should wait a little longer!" I can't believe we're having this fight. I thought he was more understanding than this.

"What, is it that you don't care for me?"

"Of course I care for you!"

"Then?" He shouted. He was on his feet now.

"I can't believe this! I thought you were more understanding than this." I grabbed my jacket and stormed out the room.

"Demi wait!" Shouted Joe from his room. I ran downstairs and saw Nick walking in the house.

"You know what? We're done! If you can't respect my boundaries, you sure won't respect me later on!" I shouted.

"Hey Dem..." He said, turning and watching me storm to the front.

"Hi." I said quickly before slamming the front door shut and walk home.

*Nicks POV*

Joe got down to the last step, but was too late. Demi had already left.

"What are you looking at?!" He shouted.

"Your plan failed didn't it?" I chuckled. He threw his shirt at me and stomped back upstairs.

Yesterday, he told me his plan to get Demi to sleep with him. I applaud him on his plan, because only a genius could have made up with it. And he's no genius.

"I want you to get Demi all worked up to make me sound like the good guy. Then I'll try to romance her up, and that's when I'll make my move."

"It's not going to work, she's smarter than that." I shook my head as I folded the laundry. He was leaning on the machine, trying to convince me.

"All girls are the same, I'm sure she's no different. She is special though, that's why I waited longer. I think she might be the one." I clutched on the tee shirt and tried to relax.

"Fine. I'll help. But if it doesn't work, don't blame it on me." I toss the shirt in the basket.

And I was right. She IS too smart to fall for his game. I'm just a bit surprised she didn't figure out sooner. I walk back outside and to Demi's house. I knock on the door, to be greeted by Demi crying eyes. Before I could say anything she hugs me tightly and sobs on my shoulder.

"Nick I was wrong. So wrong." She cried.


So guys I'm stuck in El Salvador and at this very moment my car broke down and we're stuck in the middle of no where .-.

It's dark, for some reason cold, and I feel like a zombie or Sasquatch will jump out any second now.

Never mind they were fireflies!!! I've never seen them before!!! :D

I'm probably going to update all at once so this is the first of probably 5? I don't know at the moment.

Comment and Vote Lovelies!

~Jen o.O

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