Chapter 30 *Final*

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*Third Person POV*

“Well what is it?” asked Demi. Nick stood in front of her, trying to speak. All that came out of his mouth was incomprehendable noises.

“Demi! Are you packed yet?” Demi’s mother yelled from inside the house.

“Not yet!” she shouted back, turning away from Nick.

“Wait, packed? Where are you going now?” asked Nick, slightly stuttering. Demi turned around and found that she no longer could speak either. She closes the front door gently and sighs heavily. She cleans off some dry snow and sits down on the clean step of the porch. Nick sits down with her, both looking across the road.

“I’m going back to Texas for the rest of the winter break.” She says softly.

“Oh. Well that isn’t too bad, it’s just another month left before school starts again.” Sighs Nick in relief.

“T-that’s the thing. I don’t know if I’m coming back.” Nick turns to her in shock. Tears begun to swell up in her eyes as she covers her face with her hands. He slumps his shoulders in disappointment and sadness, then pulls her close to her to comfort her. Demi cry’s harder on Nick’s shoulder as he continues to hold her close and comfort her the only way he knew he could.

After a while of silence, Nick coughs to get Demi’s attention. She had already tired herself and was now leaning on his shoulders.

“How long did you know?” he said softly.

“I just found out today. My father’s company is thinking of moving him back permanently.” She sighs with a shudder.

“Oh.” He says sadly.

“It’s not fair! I finally have a life here, and just like that, I have to tear it all down and start over again.” She grabs some snow from the lower step and throws it angrily. It lands dead center of the empty street, spreading around the black asphalt.

“I’m going to miss you, Demi, I really will.” Nick sighed.

“Me too. I never thought I’d get close to someone again like I have with you.” She said, a bit relaxed as she lays her head on his shoulder. Nick takes a small, sharp breath as she moves closer to him, their bodies pressed against each other. Carefully and a bit scared, Nick moves his arm up and over Demi, and drapes it around her shoulder’s to hold her even closer.

“Nick?” Demi asked softly.

“Hm?” he asks, a bit dazed.

“What where you going to tell me?” she looks up to him with gentle eyes. He stiffens just a bit as he remembers why he had come to visit in the first place.

“I…uh… that isn’t important right now.” He slightly stuttered.

“No, Nick, really, what was it?” she insisted. Nick sighed and held her close.

“It doesn’t matter. It wasn’t all that important.” He said softly. Demi snuggles closer to Nick’s chest.

“Besides, this means we have to spend the most amount of time together before you leave!” he said a bit more cheery.

“Nick, I leave tomorrow.” She sighs.

“So we make the most of today! What do you say?” Nick insists. Demi smiles and hugs him tightly.

“Thank you, for everything.” She says softly to his ear.


Love Bugs [Nemi AU]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu