Chapter 21

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Ariana's POV: It's been a month and a half since the diagnosis, and I still haven't told Ray. I don't want to. If I were to tell him, he might spiral out of control. But if I don't and something happens to me, losing me again, this time for real, will crush him. I'll figure it out eventually.

Hopefully, it's before I die. 

I've been secretly going to chemo behind everyone's back. By the way, I haven't told the task force either. I also found out the new doctor's name, Dr. Beliz. Pretty cool guy, he's kept me calm about this whole ordeal. Anyways, I obviously lost my hair, but Beliz got me a wig that looks exactly like my actual hair. Nobody suspects a thing.

Today, we're after Blacklister #56, Samuel Kline. Kline is some scientist gone wild who likes to kill people with his chemicals. Ray brought him up to the task force because he doesn't want this guy going after me anymore. He knows that to get to Ray, he has to get to me. Liz, Donald, and I are headed to a house we tracked him down too.

It's weird how they still act as if I'm an agent when in reality I'm just an informant. Madelyn was an agent, I'm a blacklister. Or, would it be was? I don't know and I don't care, I've got more important things to think about. Such as catching Samuel before he catches me.

Donald was driving and Liz and I decided to sit in the back. "How are you feeling Ari?" She asked. "Better, but I've still got a cough and the occasional vomit." I replied. Liz really cares about me. It's weird to have someone besides Raymond feel that way. We were silent for a bit. "So, did Ray tell you about me?" She broke the silence. "No. What about you?" I asked, looking at her. "Oh boy, how do I word this?" She said to herself. "So, Ray had an affair a little over 20 years ago—" 

"I'm aware of that, what else?" I cut her off. She seemed put back by the fact I said that. "Well, um. Uh—" she trailed off. "Yes?" I asked. "I'm—his daughter." She finally said. My eyes widened. Ray got Katarina pregnant? I wanted so much to be mad at Ray, but I couldn't. It was a stupid mistake on his part, and Katarina's. How could he have known he'd end up with a daughter?

"Well, I guess that makes me your step-mom, eh?" I said, trying to ease the awkwardness. Liz giggled. When we arrived at the house, Donald knocked on the door. "Should we really be letting him lead the way?" I said to Liz, who tried to hold in her laughter. Donald turned and looked at us. "What?" I asked. He turned back around and the door opened to a middle-aged man. "May I help you?" He asked. "Agent Donald Ressler, FBI. We're looking for Mr. Samuel Kline."

"Oh. He hasn't been here for years. I might be able to help you though." The man said. "What do you know?" I asked. The man looked up and down the street. "Come in. I don't want anyone else knowing about this." He whispered. We were reluctant, but went in. As soon as the door was closed, two people knocked out Liz and Donald. I, on the other hand, was dragged off and a black hood was put over my head. I was lightheaded and ended up passing out.

When I woke, I was in a warehouse. Shocker. My hands and ankles were locked in the chair I was sitting in. I was still fading in and out of consciousness and felt like vomiting of course. "Good morning sleepyhead." Someone said. My vision focused and I recognized Samuel.


"I can't talk much right now, we should have someone joining us soon." He said. A car door shutting echoed throughout the warehouse. Two men dragged Ray in. He looked at me concerned. "And here he is!" Samuel said, "Raymond! So nice of you to join us!"

"Look, I'm here, just like you wanted. Now let her go." Ray sternly said to Samuel. "Oh Raymond, you've been misinformed, my friend." Samuel said. The men pushed Ray down into a chair across from me, and his wrists and ankles were locked in like mine. "You see, I said I'd let you go if you gave me what I wanted. And you haven't done that yet." Samuel said, "so I'll give you one chance to do it the easy way," he walked up to Ray, "where is the fulcrum?"

"What the hell is it with you people and that fucking fulcrum? I don't even know what it is." I said. Samuel looked at me and let out a single chuckle. "I can't help you with that." Ray said, calmly. Samuel was silent as he walked over to me. Before I could realize, he punched me in my stomach, hard. I double over in pain, trying not to vomit.

I can't let Ray know I'm sick.

I could hear Ray struggling across from me. "One more time before I do it, where is the fulcrum?" Samuel asked. I slowly sat back up. "Let her go." Ray said, getting angrier. "Well, looks like we'll have to do this the hard way." Samuel said. I could see him opening a case with two needles, one with green serum, the other with blue, and he grabbed the green one. "As a scientist, I've developed some interesting things, Raymond. Ways of making people talk. This serum here will kill Ariana by asphyxiation. Once it enters her bloodstream, her lungs will shut down, and she will die a slow, agonizing death as she desperately gasps for air. So, here goes nothing."

Samuel stuck the needle in my neck as I winced in pain. Ray was struggling again. "Let her go!" He yelled. "Ray. I'll be ok." I said. Suddenly, I couldn't breathe. The serum was taking effect. I was gasping for what little air I could get. "Ray if you speak now I'll give her the antidote." Samuel said over my desperate gasping. It felt like an eternity without air.

"It was destroyed!" Ray yelled. "What?" Samuel said. "Years ago I finally found it but I destroyed it ok now LET HER GO!" Ray yelled. I was still gasping for air. Samuel did nothing. "Well, guess you'll have to watch your wife die." He said. "NO!" Raymond yelled. I was fading, but I held on. I couldn't move at all because of the shackles and was convulsing as a result.

"FBI! Drop your weapons!" I heard Donald's voice. Out the corner of my eye, I saw him, Liz, Samar, and other agents running in, guns up. Samuel and his goons dropped to their knees. "Liz the antidote." Ray said. "What?" She asked, panicked. "The needle with the blue serum inject it into Ariana's neck quickly." He said, trying his hardest to remain calm. She turned around and found the case. She quickly grabbed the needle and injected it. It took effect fast and I took a huge breath of air. My breathing finally slowed. Ray was unlocked and came to help get me out. When I was free, I fell into his arms and blacked out...

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