Chapter 6

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Ariana's POV: When I woke up, I expected to be in some dark room tied up with someone holding a gun to my head. To my surprise, I woke up in the exact same spot I passed out. Nothing happened to me. I groggily opened the car door and stumbled out, tripping and falling to the ground. I was still coming back to my senses when I felt someone grab me and pull me up. My body, however, was frozen, not trying to escape from the grip.

"We have to go now." I faintly heard Dembe's voice. "Raymond." I caught myself mumbling. "Raymond. Raymond?" I started coming back to reality. All the muffled noises became clear. My eyes widened and I quickly shook my head. "Raymond?! Raymond?!" My voice got louder. I struggled to get away from Dembe as he tried to get me into the car. "Just wait a second!" I snapped at him. He quickly let go and I ran forward a few feet, looking in all directions. "Raymond!" I yelled again. I dropped to my knees and started to cry. Dembe helped me up and got me into the car.

I was silent the whole ride back to the apartment. My crying stopped as I just stared out the window. My heart was aching for so many reasons. I felt guilty about that fight with Raymond earlier. I'm sure he had a reason for doing it with Katarina. Knowing Ray it was either for a job or he was just drunk. But he was still in the wrong. I felt horrible though because I didn't even kiss him before we got out of the car. We always do a quick peck on the lips before meeting with or raiding someone, just in case something bad were to happen.

Dembe escorted me into the apartment. "Perhaps I should stay. Whoever took Raymond might come back." He said. I was silent for a moment then shook my head. "No. Go home and rest," I said, "if they come for me, I'll get Red myself. Then, I'll kill Wolfgang." Dembe nodded. "As you wish. Good day Mrs. Reddington." He said before leaving. I loaded all three guns throughout the house and the one I always keep in my bra. If Wolfgang comes for me, he's getting a bullet in his skull.

I tried to take a nap on the couch. Rustling from outside the door woke me up. I slowly sat upwards as the noise continued. At first I thought it was just Dembe. Then a paper was slid under the door and the rustling got further away. I made my way to the door and grabbed the paper. There's was an address to a warehouse on it. The image on the other side horrified me.

Raymond, bound, beaten, and bloodied.

Anger and fear consumed me. Now I knew I was going to kill Wolfgang. And make him suffer. I threw the picture down and I grabbed my keys, hid I knife in my boot, made sure I had my secret gun concealed, and I left. I'm coming Raymond...

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