Chapter 18

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Ariana's POV: Everyone in the room was shocked. A blacklister who's married to their blacklister informant has been working with them for weeks. And now, after being searched for for days, she's here. Aram seemed absolutely terrified.

Poor guy. He's so kind and way to pure to be here. I hope everyone here protects him at all costs.

Once everyone realized I was actually standing right in front of them I was quickly handcuffed and taken out of the room. The guards put me in some weird box cell. Only had a chair, metal bed that was more like a bench, and a toilet. Nice accommodations.

The door was shut and electronically sealed. "Ariana Fletcher you are under arrest—" "Yeah yeah yeah I know the drill now where are we on that immunity?" I cut Harold off. "Ariana I can't guarantee you'll get it." He said.

"We'll let me tell you swim thing Harold. I wanna help you guys, I really do. I'm more than willing to be an informant alongside Ray. But if I don't get that immunity, I won't say shit." I replied. Harold was silent as he left. I just started pacing.

Raymond's POV: Dembe and I arrived and walked out of the elevator as usual. "Liz, any more info on Ariana's whereabouts?" Was the first thing out of my mouth. "Actually—" she trailed off. I waited for her to say they've found her. That's all I wanted to hear. Then Harold walked in.

"Reddington. Come with me, there's something that needs your attention." He said. "Harold can this wait?" I asked. "No. This is urgent." He replied. I let out a sigh of frustration and followed him.

He ended up taking me to the room with the box. I wasn't looking up. "Harold I don't know what your doing but this better be—" I trailed off as I looked up and saw who was in the box.

The brunette curls gave it away. She turned around and I immediately saw her brown eyes sparkling.


I couldn't say anything. My heart was going a million miles a minute. She's here, and she's ok.

"Raymond." She said, holding back tears. I turned to look at Harold. "Let me in there." I said. "Reddington I can't do that." He replied.

"Look Harold," I started, "I've been looking for her for five years. It's been five fucking years since I've seen her face. Five years since I've held her hand. I've hated myself everyday for leaving her but I did it to keep her safe. The reason I told you guys about her was so I could find her and so she could also be an informant. Until she gets her immunity,, I want to be with her. Even if it is in that box. So let. Me. In."

Harold looked at me for a moment, not knowing what to say. Eventually he nodded and one of the guards opened the box. I walked in and the door was shut again.

Ariana's POV: For the first time in five years, I was next to Raymond again. I as in Ariana, not Madelyn. I was holding back all my tears.

Ray didn't say anything, but just walked up to me and tightly hugged me. That's when the tears flowed from both of us. He stroked my hair the same way he used to. I've missed that so much.

Eventually we pulled away and just looked at each other, Raymond placing his hand on my cheek.

I'm so glad to have him back, and he probably feels the same way. It's been five years, so needless to say this is a happy reunion.

But how am I going to explain to him that's I've been here the whole time?

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