Chapter 3

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Ariana's POV: We finished our dinner and walked back out to the car. "Ariana." Ray said as we stopped in front of the car. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows, giving him the go on look. "Perhaps I should give you one of your anniversary gifts early when we get home." He said, smirking. I pursed my lips and raised an eyebrow. "You've peaked my curiosity Ray." I said as I got in the passenger seat. Ray got in and started driving.

As we were on our way back to the apartment I noticed a black car in the side mirror. "That car's been following us since the club." I said. Raymond was silent as he looked in the rear view mirror. "You're paranoid dear. Just a normal car." He said, eyes back on the road. He was right, I was paranoid.

But I have reasons to be.

*3 years ago*

Raymond's been out of town for two days, so I've been by myself. I went out and picked up some art stuff for myself. When Ray leaves me alone for a couple days I like to occupy myself with my artwork. Helps to keep me calm and not worry about him. I unlocked the door and entered the apartment.

This strange feeling of paranoia washed over me. I felt as if I wasn't alone.

Since I've been with Raymond I've gotten caught in the middle of his confrontations more than a few times. He tries his hardest to keep me out of harms way, but when he's gone I can't help but worry. Both about him and myself.

I sat all my stuff down on the coffee table when suddenly I felt a hand across my mouth and a gun barrel to the back of my head. My breathing became heavy and my heart was beating a million miles an hour.

"Shhhhhh, don't worry your pretty little head." The man quietly said. He took his hand off my mouth but kept the gun aimed at me. Using his free hand he tied my hands together and pushed me into the couch. "Now I really don't wanna hurt you, but if that's what I need to do to get what I want, then so be it." He said. "Please don't hurt me. I'll give you what you want." I shakily said, trying to remain calm. I felt a tear stream down my face.

"I only want Reddington. Mind telling me exactly where he is?" The man said. "I don't know." I replied. He raised an eyebrow and licked his lips. "Now ya see, I don't believe you. You're Mrs. Reddington, I'm sure you'd know where your husband is."

He got closer and held the gun directly against my forehead. "Wanna change your answer?"

"I don't know." I choked out, "he left a couple days ago. I don't know where he went." I closed my eyes to prevent any more tears from slipping out. The man chuckled and backed up. "Well. I guess he'll never know where you went either." He said, aiming the gun at me.

I kept my eyes shut as a gunshot went off. I was still alive though. When I opened my eyes I saw Raymond and Dembe. Ray quickly ran over and untied my hands. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" He quickly asked as he checked me for any wounds. I couldn't get any words out, so I just nodded. I couldn't stay calm anymore and I just let all my tears out. Ray pulled me into his chest and I just cried as he stroked my hair.

This kind of stuff has happened before. But it still shakes me up every time.

"Ray I seriously think we should pull over. If it's a threat we can take care of it easier. If not it'll just go past." I said. "Ariana you need to calm down. We're ok." Raymond replied. This was making me feel extremely uneasy. I held tightly onto the arm rest, bracing myself for the worst.

Sure enough I was right.

The car came up on our side and tried to run us off the road. "Hang on." Ray calmly said as he kept the steering wheel left. The car pulled away and veered in front of us. A second car pulled up right on our tail. The car in the front took a shot which came directly through the windshield and barely missed my head. So close I could feel it pass through my hair. "Shit!" I yelled as I ducked. I pulled my gun out of my bra and loaded it.

"Watch out." Ray said. He quickly swerved off the road and stopped before we could crash. Both cars followed suit. He quickly loaded his gun. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded. We both exited the car at the same time and I ran over to Raymond's side of the car. We stood back to back and aimed, waiting for the men to exit the cars.

Ray and I have always done this when we get caught up in something like this at the same time. It assures that neither of us will be shot from the back.

When the men got out the quickly started shooting at us, but we were quicker. We managed to kill all but one man, who drove off before we could. We put our guns away while Raymond pulled out one of his burner cells. "Mr. Kaplan? Yeah, got a job for you." He said. He gave her the address before hanging up and handing me the phone. I flipped it open and smashed it over my knee before throwing it into the street where a car ran over it, smashing it to bits.

We both calmly got in the car and drove off as if nothing happened...

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