Chapter 19

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"Pac..ayo Pac." Jack yelled across the club

Pac couldn't see who it was that was yelling his name, but as soon as he realized who it was he embraced his friend "Ah shit, what's up Jack. Whatchu doing in New York man."

"Shidd just chilling right now. What you got going, cuz always in something." Jack asked him

"Nothing much just shooting this movie called 'Above The Rim'. But other than working, I'm just living" Pac told Jack, as he was sipping his drink

"Okay bro I see ya, but check this out, I got this lil shorty that wanna meet you." Jack told Pac

"Oh is that right Jack." Pac chuckled, as he walked into the private room with Jack. "Who is this "shorty" Jack." He questioned him

"Friend of mine, but fan of yours. I'll be right back bro." Jack walked out the room to get the girl."
End of flashback

"Fuck." Pac screamed in anger, while in the interrogation room "Fuck, fuck, fuck." In that moment, he thought of Janet and how fucked this situation is. "How the fuck do I explain this shit to her. Ugghhh, fuck." He yelled out, as the slammed this hands on the table.

"Mr. Shakur, you've been released out on bail, but you will be scheduled and notify of a court hearing." The officer informed Pac.

"This don't make no fucking sense, I didn't rape that girl." Pac said in frustration, giving the officer his hands, so he can free out of the handcuffs. "Mr. Shakur, you'll have to explain that to the judge. Until then, you'll be notify of a court hearing." The officer said, getting the handcuffs and handing Pac his bail papers.

Pac walked out of the interrogation room and saw David. "Thank you Dave." Pac mumbled to David. "Pac, I got you bro. I know you and I know you didn't do this." David said, consoling Pac. "We got you, let's just get you back to hotel and refocus on why we're in New York.

"Alright." Pac murmured out
"New information has been reported that rapper Tupac Shakur was released out on bail just a few hours ago and will be notified and scheduled a court hearing so-

Janet turned off the tv in utter disbelief that everything she's seeing and hearing is real. "I wish it was all a dream to me. I cannot deal right now." She said to herself. Janet walk to the bathroom and turned on the water to take a hot shower. Jay needed to take a long and hot shower to get her mind off of what she saw today and focus back on a tour that she to make successful, but in the back of her mind she can't help to wonder about Pac.

"Shit! I fucked up." Pac sighed, as he sat down next to Jada. "Jada, I've done a lot of things but one thing I've never done is rape a woman. I would never ever make myself a physical and sexual threat to a woman. So, for this girl that I had sex with days ago to up and say out of her mouth that I raped her is utter bullshit."

Pac was angered and hurt by everything that happened in the last 48 hours. He questioned himself over and over and also questioned why the worst case scenario always had to happen to him.

Pac had his head down with tears in his eyes feeling ashamed of it all. "Pac, look at me. Look at me." Jada gently pull Pac's head up to at him. "Jada..." Pac sighed
"No! Pac, I will not let him blame yourself for something you didn't do. You didn't do nothing wrong. Keep ya head up and you'll be okay." Jada dried his eyes and embraced her best friend in his need of comfort.
As much as people and the media portrays him as an ignorant, emotionless thug, Pac expresses his feelings and emotions as a black man more than most of his peers in the industry and for him to have rape charges filed against him is something that he never imagine.

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