Chapter 9

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Tupac's POV
The night was just getting started and we were already acting up. We was eating and getting ready to watch the Pistons and Knicks game.

"Aye, I'm betting on the Pistons." Tish shouted

"Shidd, say no more. How much money we talking?" David said

"I got 50 dollars right now." Tish stated

"I got 100 on the Knicks then." David stated

"Put me in. I got 50 on the Knicks." Rob stated, throwing the money on the table.

"Yeah us too." Tina and Josie said "We got 40 dollars on the Pistons."

"Anybody else?" David asked

"100 on the Knicks!" I shouted

"Well I guess I'll put up 50 on the Pistons." Janet said

"Shawn and Shawnette, what about y'all. Y'all putting up anything before I get the money from everybody." David asked them

"Yeah we got 120 on Knicks!" Shawn shouted

"Hell yeah! Alright, I need to collect everyone's money." David stated

We handed David the money and he started counting the money.

"We got $510 dollars on the table. Tish, Tina, Josie, and Janet for the Pistons and Shawn, Shawnette, Rob, Pac, and myself are for the Knicks. If you win the bet, the money is split between the people who won. So... with that being said, it's Showtime." David replied

"We got this!" Janet exclaimed

"We'll see about that Janet. We got 2 hours before the game is over, so don't talk too much." Rob joked

The basketball game just started and it was already on to a close start. Everybody watching the game and getting intense on every shot that other team makes.

"This is going to be one close game." Josie said

"Hell yeah, you ain't lying. Somebody on the Pistons need to go ahead and fuck up so I can get my money." Shawn joked

Everybody that what Shawn said, then suddenly my phone ring.

"I wonder who that this." Rob snickered.

"Shut the fuck up!" I laughed, as everyone laughed at me.

I left the room and went by the pool and answered the call.


"Hey Tupac" Rick said

"Hey Rick! What's up with you?"

"Nothing much, just making sure that you stay busy and working." Rick stated

"Haha Jim, don't you think I'm working just a little bit too much, but hey I'm not complaining." I laughed

He laughed, "I'm just doing my job Pac."

"I know"

"The reason I called was because you got the part for 'Above The Rim'." He explained

"Oh shit, foreal Rick" I kinda shouted

He laughed, "Yes, I'm serious. They need to know if you will accept the role."

"Hell yeah, I'm down!" I said with excitement

"Alright, I'll call and let then know that you have accepted the role and I will call you back tomorrow with more details about the filming dates."

"Okay. Thank you Rick for the good news." I said, thanking him

"You're welcome. Congratulations Pac. Peace!" Rick stated
*end of phone conversation*
Another movie, now that's whats up!
Janet's POV
The game was in the 2nd quarter with the Pistons in a two point lead against the Knicks. I'm not gone get my hopes up too high because anything can happen.

"Damn! C'mon Knicks!" Rob yelled

"Don't worry Rob we got them." David said

I turned around seeing if Pac made it back in and he hasn't. I wondered why he hasn't made it in yet. He missed the whole first quarter and about to be the second.
Why hasn't he come back in the house yet

"I see you Jay. You looking for Pac aren't you." Tina whispered to me

"Yeah." I shyly blushed

"Well.. Don't stay here. Go see what's taking him so long." She whispered

"Okay." I smiled

I left everybody to find Pac and there he was laying down on the grass with his feet in the pool.

"There you are." I said "You're the missing the game."

He turned around and looked at me. He laughed, Nah, you missing me." He flirted

"Maybe I am or maybe I'm not." I flirted back

"You something else Square." He chuckled, as he touched my face.

I touched his hand, "So are you." I spoke softly

We looked at each other and he pulled in closer to me and I went in. Our heads met each other and lips touched. He put his arms around my waist and slowly pulled me towards him. The kiss was intense yet soft, fiery yet passionate. It was filled with the desire and lust that we have for each other, but also with the passion and love we have for one another.

"Whoa" I softly whispered

He chuckled, "That kiss had me like..." He said as he pretends to pass out.

"Stop it." I laughed, as hit his chest and got up to walk to the fence.

"Hold on now Jay." He said, getting up and getting his feet out of the pool.

I laughed, "Hurry up slow poke"

"Aye I got your slow poke." He said, making his way towards me

"So... What's was your phone call about?"

"Damn Square, being nosey." He laughed "Nah, I'm just playing. My manager called me and told me that I got the part for this movie I auditioned for."

"Aww Pac.. Congratulations." I said, hugging him "When do you start filming for this movie?"

"Thank you. Umm... He'll call me tomorrow to discuss the filming dates and schedule."

"I'm happy for you. You deserve it."

"Thank you Jay..... We need to go back inside before they start tripping out on us." Pac stated

"Yeah... We should get back" I said, turning around to go back inside

"But before we go." He stated, as he grabbed my hand "We need to discuss one more thing."


"Us!" He said

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