My Kryptonite, And My Yellow Sun

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"It's going to be okay, Lena. You're going to be alright." She said between the heavy sobs which had come when she first reached Lena. Kara wasn't even sure if she was responsive, or if she could hear her, until she muttered something too quietly fro anyone else to hear.


~ 4 Hours Later ~

"She knew." Kara said. She was pacing now, the constant beeping and whirring of the hospital machines driving her mad. She paced back and forth and back and forth in that small, hospital room.

"What do you mean?" Alex questioned, brows furrowing.

"She knew- knows  who I am." She corrected herself because she can't give up yet.

~ 2 Hours Earlier ~

"What happened, Supergirl? You weren't supposed to be there at all, but you could've at least not let Lilian escape!" Maggie burst into the hospital room, and Kara shot to her feet.

"Hey, calm down. Both of you." Alex called out, following after Maggie. Kara's expression went cold, and she glared at Maggie like she herself was Lilian, and her hands balled into fists at her sides. Maggie glared right back, eyes narrowed, but neither spoke.

"You'd have done the same, Mags." Alex said, resting a hand on her fiancée's shoulder. Maggie shot one more look at Kara before storming out.

"How's she doing?" The redhead asked, coming to stand beside her sister.

"I... I don't know." The blonde whispered, "They took the bullet out, and they say she'll most likely make a full recovery, but-" Her breath got caught in her throat, and she lifted a hand to cover her mouth as she looked down at Lena.

Lena Luthor; multi-billionaire CEO at the age of 24; 'Just a woman trying to make a name for herself outside of her family'; a woman so strong, because she had to be. How did she look so vulnerable now? Was it the IV's pumping goodness-knows into her arms, or was it the monitor measuring her heart rate and other vitals to the side, or was it the blue undertone of her pale skin as she lay with her eyes closed, on her back, arms by her sides, exactly as the doctor's had placed her? Whatever it was, it was enough to bring the girl of steel to tears.

"I should've been there!" She blurted, and Alex pulled her into a tight embrace, "I promised her I'd always protect her! I should've been there, Alex. I can stop bullets, I've done it before. I, I could've-"

Alex hushed her, stroking her back as she willed her to calm down.

"She'll make it, Kara. She's a fighter."

~ 3 Hours Later ~

"Maggie's here." Alex informed the blonde who was sat in the seat beside Lena's bed, watching her for any signs of movement or stirring.

Kara didn't respond, so Alex let her in.

"I'm sorry, little Danvers." the brunette began, inching her way towards the other side of the bed. Kara shrugged, brushing away tears with the back of her hand.

"She'll make it. She's a fighter." Kara said, quoting what Alex had said earlier because it was true. She offered a sad smile and looked up at Maggie. She knew that wasn't what she was apologising for, but she didn't want to talk about earlier.

Maggie sighed and nodded, and the three watched the woman for a little longer.


The rest of the evening was a blur. Maggie left after a short while, having being called to a job. Alex stayed until it got dark outside. Kara stayed. She was grateful that they'd taken Lena in to the DEO hospital rather than a public one, or else she wouldn't have been able to stay.

Multiple times, she heard sirens outside. Multiple times, she ignored them. Sirens meant people where already on their way.

Eventually, she stopped listening.

The only sound she heard was that of the machines.

She dozed off at some point, and the only way she could tell was because she awoke with a start.

The machines were beeping faster, and she could've sworn she felt Lena's fingers twitch.

"Lena?" She asked, looking the brunette up and down as her eyes readjusted to the bright light pouring from above her.

"Kara..." Lena croaked, and Kara's smile was brighter than that light. She stood, perhaps a little too quickly and enthusiastically as she accidently knocked over the chair which she had been sitting on, causing Lena to wince from an instant headache.

"Sorry." The blonde whispered, carefully righting the chair, "How are you? I mean, besides the obvious."

Lena smiled a small smile too before replying, "Honestly, I've been better." Kara laughed quietly, and looked out of the small window to see the others making their way to the room. Lena absently raised a hand and began to fiddle with the edge of Kara's cape.

"How did you kno-" Kara began, but she was interrupted.

"Know that your an alien superhero? My mother told me..." Her eyes were sad for a second, and Kara felt a pang of worry that Lilian had been right about Lena hating her once she found out the truth, "But it's kind of obvious." She added with a mischievous wink, and Kara's smile returned.

Author's Note: So the timing may have been a little confusing with this one but I think that was kind of the point(?) Anyway, let me know what you think of it in the comments.

Also I wrote this with tears streaming down my face because I was listening to Ed Sheeran's 'Supermarket Flowers' so that's a thing.

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