Wall-Mart And High Speed Chases

Start from the beginning

        “Eh?” He looked at me, “Oh, nothing.”

        “Really?” I said looking back over to him, “Wow, for a country you have a very boring life.” I was going 20 above the speed limit but this was country road, just dirt now. It was a tad bit bumpy but I was used to it. I first learned to drive on these kinds of roads when I was way younger.

        “Well nothing dramatic,” He smiled shyly.

        “Well that’s good,” I said, “but you gotta have something going o – Oh it’s a bunny,” I took one hand off the wheel and pointed to the little white bunny on the side of the road. I pulled over, and jumped out of my truck, grabbing my camera. I turned it on, laid myself on the ground and tried to focus on the bunny. Canada was now standing beside me, watching me silently. I took a few shots before it ran off into the vast green wasteland. I looked through the pictures, nodding approvingly at the good pictures and deleting the bad. I took a picture of the scenery just for fun since it was truly beautiful. A few cows were grazing out in the field, the sun getting close to the ground, a few clouds, and bright blue skies and the tall grass waving in the wind. The camera clicked as I took the photo. I walked back to the truck silently and so did Canada.

        “What were you doing?”

        “I find that I don’t take enough pictures so I went out and bought this camera, I take it everywhere. Sometimes if I get good shots I sell them,” I explained. He nodded.

        “Could you show me?”

        “You could just look now,” I said putting the seatbelt on. I had forgotten when we left Wall-mart. The indicator that tells you, you need to put your seatbelt on is broken. Let’s just say I was upset and I wanted to drive in peace, it was annoying and I broke it. 

        I grabbed the camera turning it on, going to the museum like thing and handing it to him, “Press the right arrow to move through the pictures.” I started the truck and started on my way again. The light clicking sound was the only sound in the car – well besides the hum of the engine.

        “Wow, these are really good… Um…”

        “Alice,” I said looking over to him.

        “Turn right here,” He tried to yell but it sounded more like a normal voice level. I swerved right, almost flipping the truck.

        “That was awesome!” I laughed, looking over at the frightened Canadian who at some point curled himself up in the seat. He still held the camera. “We should do that again!”

        “No,” he yelled, quite loudly.

        “There’s the true hockey-loving Canadian,” I said laughing, “Good to know that you’re not all kindness.”

        He blushed.

        “Aw, ain’t that cute? He’s blushing,” I laughed, talking to no one in particular.

        “Were here,” He said. I shut off the truck and hopped out.

        A one story building stood in front of us. It had two large windows that I could see; there was probably more on the sides. There was a large brown door, which looked like a double door from here. There was probably an emergency exit. The building was surrounded by a high fence. Canada walked ahead, talking to the man at the gate. The man nodded and opened the gate. Canada led me through the gate and across the parking lot, where we met a tall blond. His hair was slicked back and he was looking at a clipboard. He wasn’t facing us but once Canada tapped his shoulder he turned towards us. I instantly recognized him.

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