Chapter 6

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Gibbs: What the hell did you just do?

Nurse: I'm sorry, I was told to unplug her machine.

Tony: Who told you that?

Abby runs over to the nurse about to plug in my breathing machine. When all of a sudden I start to breathe on my own again.

Ducky: Guys, she's breathing without the machine.

Dr. Shepherd runs into the room.

Dr. Shepherd: Nurse Peggy you were supposed to go to room 515 not this one.

Nurse Peggy: I'm sorry. (Starts crying and runs out of the room)

All of a sudden I wake up.

Jimmy: She's awake!

Ducky: Stay calm everything is alright.

Dr. Shepherd walks over to my side.

Dr. Shepherd: Hannah, I'm going to take this tubes out ok.

I nod my head.

After Dr. Shepherd takes the tubes out Tony gives me a drink of water.

Dr. Shepherd: Ok, Hannah do you know where you are?

Me: The hospital.

Dr. Shepherd: Do you know anyone in this room?

Me: No. (Looks at everyone's faces) Just kidding. Of course I know everyone they are my family. (Starts naming people) (I hug my family then I hold Dad and Tony hands)

Dr. Shepherd: Ok, then Hannah I say you can be released in a couple of days.

Me: That sounds good.

Dr. Shepherd: Ok, I will give everyone an extra 30 minutes to visit with Hannah. Then everyone but one person has to leave because visiting hours are up.

Gibbs: You gave us quite a scare Hannah.

Me: I know I'm sorry. Abby I love you but your squeezing me to tight.

So the 30 minutes when by fast. I gave everyone a hug again, and everyone but Dad and Tony left the room.

Dad: Before I leave for the night. I just wanted to let you know your phone is right here fully charged. And I put your headphones in it in case you wake up during the night and Tony is asleep and you want to watch Netflix or something.

Me: Thanks Dad. I love you. (I give dad another hug. Because after all he went through I figured he needed another)

Dad: I love you more Hannah Banana. (Dad leaves my room)

Tony: I love you Hannah.

Me: I love you to Tony.

Tony: You should get some rest.

Me: Are you kidding I have been in a coma I think I have rested enough.

Tony: Hannah (Stern)

Me: Ok, I'll rest. (I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep. Who knew after spending so much time in a coma I would still be tired.)

I woke up around 4 in the morning. Tony was asleep in a chair. I looked at my phone to check the time and decided I would watch something off YouTube. I found a show called Tierra de Reyes that I decided to watch until Tony woke up. It was around 8 o'clock when I heard Tony laughing. I took out my headphones to talk to Tony.

Me: What's so funny?

Tony: Did you even sleep? Or did you pretend to fall asleep so when I fell asleep you could play on your phone?

Me: I slept.

Tony: What are you watching?

Me: Tierra de Reyes.

Tony: What the heck is Tierra de Reyes?

Jennifer: It's about Three brothers: Arturo, Flavio and Samuel Gallardo who have lost everything and are now the victims of a horrible crime. In their eagerness to know the truth and serve justice, they will meet the Del Junco sisters: Sofia, Irina and Andrea, owners of a land that has been cultivated with passions, secret affairs and betrayals. The destiny of six individuals will be taken over by the uncontrollable strength of their feelings.

Tony: Oh my gosh what did you do memorize the summary.

Jennifer: Yeah, pretty much. Thanks to my photographic memory. What episode are you on Hannah?

Me: Four.

Jennifer: Oh, so you haven't got to the interesting parts yet.

Hannah: I guess not, so no spoilers.

Jennifer gives Tony (her big brother) a hug before she gives me a hug and sits down next to me.

Note: I am addicted to watching Tierra de Reyes. It is my favorite telenovela. Although, I have to watch with English subtitles because I only know a little Spanish. While Hannah can watch it without subtitles because she understands Spanish.

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