Chapter 4

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Everyone gets up and walks over to Dr. Shepherd.

Gibbs: How is she?

Dr. Shepherd: She is stable at the moment. The next 24 hours are critical. She flat lined on the table, so she may have issues because of it. You just have to prepare yourself in case she does.

Tony: What kind of issues?

Dr. Shepherd: She may have issues remembering who you are, or who she is, she may have mobility issues, things like that. If she doesn't wake up within the next 24 hours that means that she probably won't wake up, and then she will be on life support.

Gibbs: Can we see her? (Trying not to cry)

Dr. Shepherd: Yes, but only two for right now.

Abby: (Talking to Gibbs and Tony) You two go, she would want to see you guys when she wakes up.

Dr. Shepherd: I'll take you guys to her follow me.

Tony and Gibbs follow Dr. Shepherd to Hannah's room. Once they reach Hannah's room they see her pale fragile body lying in the hospital bed. She has a bandage on her head, a breathing tube, and lots of monitors hooked up to her.

Dr. Shepherd: I'll leave you guys alone with her.

Gibbs: Thank you Dr. Shepherd.

Dr. Shepherd: Your welcome. (Leaves to check on her other patients.)

Tony and Gibbs both pull up chairs on the sides of Hannah's bed and they each hold one of her hands.

Gibbs: Baby girl you are going to be fine you just have to wake up.

Tony: Don't give up fighting babe. There are so many people that love you and are waiting for you to wake up.

Tony and Gibbs sit by Hannah's bed for a while not saying anything just thinking. Just then Abby, McGee, Jimmy, and Ducky comes into Hannah's room bringing in the chairs that Dr. Shepherd put by Hannah's room so they could all sit in there together as the family that they are.

Abby: Hi guys. (Sits in chair by Gibbs)

Ducky: How is she?

Tony: She's stable that all we know right now.

Jimmy: She'll be ok. I know she will.

Abby: Do you remember the time that Hannah found that stray Standard Poodle puppy on the side of the road last December. She brought it to the office, and it chewed the legs on Gibbs desk. That was so funny. I thought it was nice that she gave it to Jennifer for Christmas. Jennifer loves Poodles. I forgot what Jennifer named her though? (Note: Jennifer is Hannah's best friend and Tony's younger sister. She is a Doctor at the hospital)

Jennifer & Tony (At the same time): Angel

Everyone looks over to the door frame where Jennifer is leaning. Tony gets out of his chair and hugs his little sister.

Tony: Hey sis.

Jennifer: Hey. How is she doing?

Tony: She's stable that's all we know.

Jennifer looks at her chart.

Jennifer: Everything looks ok. I will check in on her every once in a while when I have free time.

Tony: Thanks sis. We appreciate it.

Jennifer hugs everyone than she goes back to work.

Ducky: Do you remember the time when she was trying to be independent and bake everything for Thanksgiving.

Gibbs: Yes, she ended up taking a break and fell asleep with the stuffing in the oven and it burned. We had to make stove top stuffing.

Tony: She was so disappointed in herself. I cheered her up saying at least she didn't burn the Turkey and she agreed.

Abby: Even though she burned the stuffing that was a great Thanksgiving.

So while everyone was waiting for Hannah to wake up they recalled on so many memories about Hannah. Everyone shared all the good funny stories because they didn't want to share the sad stories because they were trying to brighten the mood.

Before they knew it visiting hours were up.

Dr. Shepherd: Sorry to interrupt but visiting hours are up. I'm afraid only one of you can stay.

Tony: Boss you can stay you're her father.

Gibbs: That's ok, you can stay. I'll wait in the waiting room.

Tony: Are you sure?

Gibbs: Yes, just let me know if there is any change.

Tony: I will.

Abby: We will wait in the waiting room with you Gibbs.

Gibbs: No, that's ok you guys can go home. I'll call you when there is a change.

Ducky: No, we are family we will stay with you.

Everyone but Tony goes into the waiting room.

Ducky: She will be ok Gibbs we just have to have faith.

Gibbs: I know I'm just worried about her.

Abby: We all are. But in the end she will be fine.

McGee: She just has to make in through the next 24 hours.

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