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Note: Imagine Hannah looking like Jessica Lowndes.

Another Note: Hannah's desk is right next to my Gibbs and across from Tony's desk.

Hi, my name is Hannah Elizabeth Gibbs. I am 27 years old. Also, I am a NCIS Agent that is dating Tony Dinozzo. We have been dating ever since I turned 18. This is my story.

There I was sitting at my desk on my computer in the bull pen finishing paperwork. Tony and McGee walked in talking about some movie that Tony was trying to convince McGee to watch. When all of a sudden I got a headache and decided to lay my head down on my desk. Tony noticed and was immediately at my side.

Tony: Hannah are you ok?

Me: Yes, it's just a headache. I'll be fine.

Tony: You have been getting a lot of headache's lately.

I was about to say something when dad walked in and announced that there was a case.

Gibbs (Dad): Dinozzo and McGee ride together, and Hannah you'll ride with me.

I got out of my chair and then everything went black. After what felt like forever I opened my eyes to see Tony, McGee, dad, and other coworkers staring at me.

Dad: Hannah, sweetie are you ok?

I tried to get up, but that didn't go over well.

Tony: Hannah, don't try to get up.

Me: I'm fine. (I sat up).

McGee: You're not fine you fainted.

Me: How long was I out?

Tony: About three minutes.

Me: See I'm fine. Can you please get everyone to stop staring at me?

Dad: Everyone get back to work.

Tony: Hannah how come you passed out you said it was just a headache?

Me: I guess I should tell you guys. Can we go to Abby's lab and have Ducky and Jimmy meet us in there?

Dad: Sure, sweetie.

Dad and Tony helped me up as we all headed to Abby's lab. When we walked into Abby's lab Ducky and Jimmy were already in there.

Ducky: So I can tell this is a serious conversation.

I guess he could tell by the look on my face, and the fact that I gathered everyone to tell them all at the same time.

Me: Yes, it is.

All of a sudden Abby starts jumping up and down.

Abby: Are you and Tony having a mini Dinozzo/Gibbs?

Dad was staring at me concern on his face. While Tony had a look that said he was shocked.

Tony: Are we?

Me: No ( I said trying not to laugh) There is no easy way to say this um, so I'm just going to say it. I have a brain tumor.

Abby: Oh my gosh.

Everyone else was staring at me probably to shocked to say anything.

Dad: How long have you known?

Me: A couple days. It will be ok, the doctor said they caught it just in time. I won't have to do chemo or anything they are just going to remove it. I will need a month down time to heal. Which will be tough because I enjoy working.

Just then Abby ran over to me and gave me a hug.

Abby: You will be fine we will get through this together as a family.

All of a sudden I was gathered in a group hug with the people I love.

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