Chapter 3

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Tony: I don't know what I would do if we lost her.

Gibbs: We are not going to lose her. She is a fighter she always has been.

Abby: We have to think positive thoughts.

Jimmy: Who wants a coffee? I don't mind running to get anyone something.

No one answers Jimmy.

Ducky: I think we are good Mr. Palmer. (He says sitting down in the waiting room.)

Jimmy: Ok. I'll be right back. I'm going to get a coffee. (Before getting a coffee Jimmy goes into the bathroom where he cries and prays that Hannah will make it through the surgery.)

Back to Hannah

All of a sudden Hannah flat lines.

Nurse: Were losing her.

Hannah sees a white light. All of a sudden Hannah see's her mother, Jenny, and Kelly.

Jenny: Hannah, honey you have to fight now. Your daddy needs you.

Kelly: Go back to Daddy, Hannah. We will be here when the time is right for you. I love you.

Hannah's Mom: Bye, Hannah Banana. I love you all my heart my sweet girl.

Doctor Amelia Shepherd: Paddles. (Doctor Shepherd shocks Hannah bringing her back.)

Nurse: Should we go inform the family what just happened?

Doctor Amelia Shepherd: No, we will tell them after we are done here.

Back to Gibbs, Tony, and the rest of Hannah's caring family

Jimmy comes back to the waiting room forgetting to get his coffee.

McGee: I thought you were getting a coffee.

Jimmy: Oh yeah, I realized I didn't need the caffeine.

Tony sits quietly thinking about his future. What if Hannah doesn't make it who will he fall in love with, or will he fall in love. Can he fall in love with someone after loving Hannah? He imagines what his future looks like if Hannah makes it. He imagines that white picket fence that he and Hannah helped paint, Hannah pregnant with his kids and those kids playing in the yard. Their kids jumping into piles of leaves that he and Hannah had just raked into a pile. Having snowball fights, his daughters helping Hannah bake cookies, and so much wonderful things.

Gibbs also imagines the future if Hannah doesn't make it. Can he go on living without his baby girl? Who will make him homemade meals. If Hannah wasn't around he would only be eating steak, frozen dinners, or going to the diner that him and Hannah would go to while she was growing up. Or would he be able to go to that diner it would remind him of Hannah too much. All of a sudden Tony speaks bringing him back to reality.

Tony: Boss if Hannah makes it do I have your blessing to ask for her hand?

Gibbs: You sure do. Do you know how long I have been waiting for you to ask me that? (This makes everyone laugh. Brightening up the mood.)

All of a sudden Dr. Shepherd walks into the waiting room.

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