Chapter 5

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Back To Hannah

Tony: Hannah, honey please wake up. I love you. I can't go on living my life without you.

Tony talked to Hannah until he finally fell asleep. Before, he knew it, it was morning, and it was time for visiting hours again. Gibbs walks in to Hannah's room with coffee for him and Tony. Tony is asleep with his head on Hannah's bed still holding her hand.

Gibbs: Dinozzo

Tony wakes up.

Tony: Morning, boss.

Gibbs: Morning. Is there any change?

Tony: No, and the 24 hours are almost up. We only have an hour left.

Jennifer: We just have to believe she will wake up. (Jennifer says as she walks into the door. Jennifer checks on Hannah.) She seems to be doing ok. I'll be back later. (Jennifer talks quietly to Hannah) Please wake up Hannah I need you more than ever now. (Kisses Hannah on the forehead) I love you sis. (Jennifer leaves to check on her other patients.)

Gibbs sits in a chair beside Hannah's bed holding her hand. While Tony is still holding her other hand never letting it go.

Gibbs: Hannah, honey please wake up. Tony has a terrific surprise for you.

Suddenly, Hannah squeezes Gibbs's hand.

Gibbs: She squeezed my hand. (Gibbs says shocked)

Tony: I'll go get a doctor. (Tony says getting out of his chair so fast he knocks in over. He runs out of the room trying to find a doctor)

Soon Tony and Dr. Shepherd return to Hannah's room. Dr. Shepherd goes over to Hannah and checks on her. She notices that Hannah is now not breathing on her own that the breathing machine is breathing for her. She has a concerned look on her face and Gibbs notices.

Gibbs: What's wrong?

Dr. Shepherd: She's not breathing on her own anymore.

Tony: What!

Dr. Shepherd: I'm so sorry, but it looks like her chances of waking up are slim. She is officially on life support.

Gibbs: How could this happen she was stable, and she just squeezed my hand? (He says mad but sad at the same time)

Dr. Shepherd: Many patients in comas still move. But that doesn't mean she will wake up. I'm so sorry.

Suddenly, the rest of the NCIS family comes into Hannah's room and see Tony and Gibbs with tears in their eyes.

Abby: What's wrong?

Tony and Gibbs can't say the words they are to upset. So Dr. Shepherd repeats what she just told Tony and Gibbs.

Dr. Shepherd: I'm so sorry, but I think it's best if you tell her goodbye and let her go. That way she will be in peace. Again, I'm so sorry. (Dr. Shepherd leaves the room. She goes into the supply room and cries)

Everyone starts crying and hugging Hannah.

Tony: Baby, please wake up. (Rubs Hannah's face)

Gibbs: Sweetheart, we need you in our life. Please come back to us.

All of a sudden, a nurse comes in and unplugs Hannah's breathing machine, and again she flatlines.

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