Family Trip at the Zoo

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This was requested by ilangel1
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It was a bright and sunny day, and the Styles Fam were doing a trip on a zoo..

"MOMMA!! I want to see Giraffes!!!!" A 5 year old harry squealed jumping around

Louis laughs "we need to get ready first, how about you wake up Niall and Liam up"  and with that, harry was gone in just a blink of an eye

In a minute, a excited looking Niall, liam, and harry appear,

The family eats and get ready for the trip,

"Alright boys, do you have your things ready?" Anne said and the boys nods excitedly

In the car trip, harry, niall, and liam can't stop talking about animals and how they were excited to be in the Zoo

The car ride took only 30 minutes,

"Momma! Look!" Harry points to the ducks,

"I guess harry wants to feed the ducks" Louis said picking harry up

"Alright, you boys go and explore the zoo, and our call time is 6 pm okay?" Anne instructed and the boys nods


The boys didn't waste time, Niall fed a ostrich, and nearly cry when the other ostrich bites his hair, liam on the other side, was chilling with chimpanzees, and louis and Harry, enjoys feeding Ducks. At 6:30 pm, the family went home and get ready for the bed.


Thanks again for helping ilangel1 love ya mate :)

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