"You both did not meet that day or talk. I know for sure. I was there. Petar, Sean, everybody were there," P said.

"Joey, exactly when did you wake up? How did you sneak past all of us?" Mr. Woods interrogated sharply. Joey started explaining. Mr. Woods and P understood what should have happened.

"We were all busy for two minutes and fate played a cruel trick," Mr. Woods said.

"He won't remember anything after his blackout idiot. He is sick," P said.

"Daniel would not have known about your fight or breakup or anything when he woke up. And he would have forgotten meeting you completely and gone with Nick the second time," Mr. Woods explained.

"What do you mean blackout? I thought sick means cold or fever. London weather is unpredictable. Plus his exploits with boyfriends," Joey asked worried.

"There are no boyfriends. Only you. Just you," P shouted again.

"Excuse me? Can you tell me who all these men are?" Joey asked flashing some more pictures from his mobile.

P snatched the mobile from him. "Don't think he will tell you everything just because he lives with you. I lived with him for three years. I didn't know 90% of his activities," Joey said thinking about his parents and the costly things in his house.

"Joey, this is Ben, my tailor. This is Diego, he is a sports nutritionist. Daniel allows me to eat only as per his instructions," P said looking at the pictures sharply, "this is Sanders our apartment security. I promise I will make you meet them all when you come to London. This is his therapist. This is Dr. James," he crossed his eyebrows with concern.

"Who is this P?" Mr. Woods looking at the pictures with Pietro asked. There was a person in the background of every picture.

"I don't know. But, I am very sure I have seen him somewhere," he rubbed his forehead.

"Joey, all the people you saw with Daniel are my friends. Danny is very fragile. He gets terrible seizures. He gets untimely blackouts anytime like the one you saw that day. He fell on a burning stove one day. He blacked out once out during swimming. That's why Sean, I or someone always accompany him," Pietro explained.

"I can't believe any of this," Joey said still very grim.

"You saw him falling from the third floor with your own eyes. What more proof you want?" P shouted.

Mr. Woods touched his shoulder. He took his mobile and showed a video. Daniel's body was convulsing with seizures and he was shouting, "Joey I did not do anything. Believe me. Come to me please. Joey." Chris gave him a shot and he started sleeping. Mr. Woods fast forwarded the footage. Daniel woke up and gave a wild screech. "Who are you? Where is Joey?" he shouted at Nick.

"Dan relax, you are in Canada," Nick talked to him soothingly.

"Joey...." Daniel clutched his head and moved back in fear.

"Dan don't you remember this place? Our house is just across the street," Chris said opening the window.

"Nnooo.....my head hurts.....where is Joey? Who are you?" Daniel blacked out again.

Joey was watching everything. He was beyond shocked. Daniel did not recognize his own brother Chris. But, he remembered Joey.

"Mr. Woods how did you record this?" P asked surprised.

"I did not record this. This is from the hotel CCTV camera. I saw Shane getting something from  Daniel's hotel security. I wanted to know what it was. I gave him more money and said Shane wanted another copy. He gave it to me. I seriously thought, he will show it to Joey and try to patch them up," Mr. Woods said.

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