"That could've killed me. If I'd fallen"

"I know"

That single reply confirmed the small inkling Rosemary had borne to Patrick since their first encounter. Since she'd gone to her locker and opened another's pencil case, finding dead flies and a dark green ruler.

Patrick's pencil case.

Standing she tightly clenched the wooden pole, supporting her weight before she reached the top of the stairs again, staring at Patrick with a false mask of terror.

He snickered, his teeth flashing yellow against the lights lining the walls. "Still think I can't handle a girl like you?" He towered over her until he crouched lower, closing the distance between them as he prowled closer to her, step by step, pushing her back down the stairs. "You're wrong. Because I know exactly what kind of girl a little slut like you is like" She reached the bottom step, her face now a mask of indifference. For a moment she glanced at the door of the bathroom beside her. "You're sneaky-" Patrick's long gangly arm smacked against the wall to the right of her head, making her jump. "-but you scram when it gets too intense" His face was inches from her cheek as she stared at the bathroom door.

They where both silent, Patrick observing her with the same off-putting intensity which chased away all others. Slowly, she felt his left hand slip from the wall, gently her groping her side. In a tactical, almost cautious manner, his hand rose as though trying to see how far she would allow him to go before screaming. Maybe it was because she was new, she didn't know about his disregard for schooling, or rules, or boundaries. He knew nothing about her, and maybe that was why he wasn't concerned to touch her. Patrick was yet to understand the repercussions of taking control from Rosemary Fennler.

She turned to face him, her nose briefly bumping his. She could see the acne dotting his skin, the unshaven stubble prickling his upper lip and the small slick of sweat lining his forehead as he got excited. Eyes half lidded, she leant against the wall.

"And what? You think you're intense?" In a swift movement that shocked Patrick to his core, she grabbed the crotch of his jeans, pressing her hand plush against his cock. A sound akin to an animal being strangled escaped Patrick's throat as his back arched in pleasure, straightening so he very nearly smothered Rosemary with his chest as his erection grew against her. "You think I'd run from a boy like you?" For a second, Patrick thought he may finish then and there as she pressed tighter against his already tightening jeans. His knee buckled slightly, bringing him downwards until a quick jolt of her hands brought him up again. "That's where you are wrong Patrick" He loved the way his name sounded off her tongue. Gripping his hair, he pressed his forehead against the wall above her, unable to comprehend the intense feelings in his abdomen. It was a different experience having someone do it to him rather then he himself just jerking off. He didn't control her hand, the pressure, the movement, anything.

Patrick was putty in her hand as she stroked him in a hypnotising motion.

"Do you want me to screw you Patrick?" Her voice brushed against his jaw and he began gasping, unable to draw in oxygen quick enough. It was all so thrilling, the motion of her hand, the lack of control, the possibility of being seen, her voice.

"Fuck..." He grunted.

"Patrick?" Her hand quickened and he gasped, his stomach tightening as his fingers dug tightly into her hair. "You need to answer me when you're spoken to. Answer me"

"Y-yes" He pressed her head against his chest, the desire to consume this power she emitted overwhelming him. His muscles where tightening, yet growing weak in an instant. "Ugh!" He unwillingly fell to his knees, his hand still clasping the stair guard desperately as she crouched in front of him. "I-I'm going to-!"

And then it was gone, as quickly as it's started.

Rosemary stood, smirking in cruel amusement as Patrick sat at her feet, panting like a dog. He frowned, still panting as his body slumped. As breathtaking as it'd felt he felt completely unsatisfied, because she'd stopped short of him finishing.

"Don't fuck with me again Hockstetter. I can't promise I'll go so easy on you next time"

And she left him there, a horny, sweaty mess of a boy as she went back to her shitty movie, an unsettling grin on her face as she sat beside Jude.

"You missed the good shit!" Jude whined quietly, glancing at her as she happily munched on her popcorn.

"Oh, I highly doubt that"


...I wasn't kidding about the warning 😂 this is just a taste of what's to come.


youngblood // p. hockstetter // 0.1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu