What Once Was Lost

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Outside the Family Wing, the Palace was chaos. Servants and maids were everywhere carrying all sorts of things back and forth, nearly running into each other. It seemed that every elf in the Palace was making sure that everything was ready and perfect for the celebration that would take place that night.

She followed Lossenel through the Palace, the Princess of Mirkwood moving with incredible ease trough the long labyrinth of corridors, the number of servants and maids not seeming to surprise her in the slightest. Lossenel had been showing her around the majestic building, taking her to different places in a failed attempt for the Palace not to seem so strange for Elerrina. She appreciated the effort, enjoying immensely the large halls, each one more grand and beautiful than the one before, but she knew she would not be able to remember how to get anywhere.

"Is it always this hectic?" She asked the Princess as they made their way through a long corridor in one of the most public areas of the Mirkwood Palace. Lossenel let out a musical laugh in return, her face turning to look at her as she walked, her smile a sight that could bright up even the darkest of days.

"Only in days like today." Her voice sounded as if it was the most common thing in Arda, making Elerrina want to laugh in return.

As they rounded another corner into the Main Hall, the number of servants seemed to double. Three massive pairs of delicately carved doors to the left of the Hall were being open in that exact moment, all of them seeming to lead into the same room. The sight caught her attention immediately, making her stop in awe. From what she could see, the room inside looked endless, and she immediately knew that this had to be the largest room in the entire Palace.

"Those are the King's Halls" She heard Lossenel say softly next to her, easily reading her thoughts. "There is where the winters solstice feast will take place tonight. These halls usually remain closed and are only opened for special events."

Of course those halls would only be opened for special events. The size of the halls seemed ridiculous, and she could hardly imagine an event that would require that amount of space. However, her thoughts were quickly cut short as a very familiar voice echoed through the Main Hall.

"Lossie, Almarëa!" She turned her head at the mention of her name, a smile already on her lips at the sight of her brother quickly making his way towards them through the crowd of elves.

"Legolas!" She exclaimed as the Prince's arms wrapped around her middle, lifting her slightly as he greeted her. He then repeated the same action with Lossenel, spinning her around for a while as the Princess demanded to be put back down.

The simple sight of her brother suddenly made the active Palace feel more like home. She had not seen him in nearly a day, and already she had missed him.

"Where have you been?" She asked as Legolas' infinite blue eyes turned to look in her direction, so warm and bright, like endless clear skies.

"Down on the training grounds with Tadion and Elrohir. Elladan is also there in case you where wondering." His eyes narrowed slightly, mocking her as his smile only widened. Then he turned to look at Lossenel.

"He said to tell you that Arahaelon is looking for you, in case that I see you." Lossenel let out another laugh, the sound echoing through the hall like silver bells ringing in the gentle wind.

"He is unbelievable. I had almost forgotten what it was like to have the twins around." The snowy Princess shook her head slightly as she spoke, and Elerrina could not help but smile.

"What did you do to him, Lossie?" Legolas let out a chuckle, making a light laugh escape Elerrina's lips, already understanding that Elladan was simply making fun the gorgeous Princess. She could perfectly imagines his silver eyes gleaming with mischief and mockery as he gave Legolas the message.

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