Behind Broken Glass

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Pain. That was the first thought that crossed her mind. Her head pounded heavily, making it almost impossible to concentrate on the figures before her eyes. Piercing ice blue eyes stared into hers, nearly demanding her to focus on them, and she struggled to concentrate, using them as an anchor point from the spinning world around her.

The Elvenking's frightened blue eyes relaxed visibly once she looked back at them, but the alarmed gleam never left the sky colored irises. She could hear voices speaking frantically around her, but could not catch what they were saying. For the first time she noticed that she was lying on her back on the snow-covered grass. Her entire body was shaking, and she felt weak, exhausted.

Her eyes moved frantically around, searching for Elladan. She found him to her left side, kneeling on the snow next to the King, a worried expression on his handsome face. His silver eyes met hers instantly, so frightened and concerned, the mischievous spark that usually lighted them completely gone. She wanted to say something to him, anything but could not find her voice.

She could see other elves hovering over her, their faces or parts of their body appearing and disappearing in her line of vision. They seemed to be the ones speaking, murmuring words in elvish, looking incredibly anxious and confused, their curious eyes darting form her to the King to Elladan. She could not recognize a single on of the faces, all of them standing in a loose circle around her, keeping their distance.

"Almarëa? Can you hear me?" Her eyes darted back to meet the King's worried ice blue ones, nodding her head lightly.

She felt the Elvenking swiftly scoop her up in his arms, her body seeming to be weightless in his strong grip. Everything spun again at the motion, and she hid her face in the rich fabric of his green formal robes, not really knowing what was happening. She could tell they were moving quickly, the King walking at a fast pace. She could also hear a pair of voices moving along in front of them, guards she assumed, making way in between the curious elves and ordering them to move aside for the King to pass.

The change of sound in the Elvenking's footsteps told her when they entered the palace, the bright sunlight disappearing from over her head. They did not stop once, and Elerrina guessed that no elf wanted to block their King's path. She could almost feel the curious stares following them, but did not move her face from the King's chest.

She heard a door being pushed open, and then felt herself being carried into a room, tow pairs of footsteps following them. The room was quiet, de door closing behind them with a deaf click. She could tell the room was brightly lit, and did not dare open her eyes to face the light, her head already protesting painfully. The sound of sheets being pulled down echoed silently through the room, and the next thing she knew she was gently being lowered onto a soft bed. A tender hand caressed her forehead, brushing away some strands of her long golden hair as she felt someone sitting down on the edge of the mattress.

"Close the curtains"

The King of Mirkwood's command echoed softly in the air, his voice so low and peaceful and yet carrying such an authority she doubted anyone would question. She heard movement inside the room follow by a welcoming darkness as the heavy curtains sealed shut against the bright sunlight.

"Should I fetch a healer, Your Majesty?" A female voice asked, that she guessed belonged to a maid.

"Yes. Send for Melnor, please."

Footsteps hurried towards the door, which opened and closed once more, leaving the room in silence once again. She opened her eyes only halfway, trying to make out shapes in the darkness. She recognized the familiar interior of her own bedchamber.

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