Crashing Down

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The rest of the morning meal progressed casually. Even though she tried to participate in the conversations, Elerrina had completely lost track of them. The only thought that floated in her mind was the soothing lullaby of the forest, and how none of her siblings seemed to have known about it. There were so many things she wanted to know, so many things that she simply could not understand, and nobody seemed to be willing to explain anything to her. It was frustrating.

She could feel Elladan's eyes fixed on her, and knew that he could feel her anxiety and detachment from the conversation through their bond. Now more than ever she wanted to be alone with him, wanted him to hold her in his strong arms, to make her feel like nothing could ever happen to her as long as he was near.

Elerrina let her eyes fall down to her plate, absently staring at the half-eaten strawberry tart that remained on it. Next to her, she could hear Tadion's musical voice speaking to Legolas, but she did not pick on the topic they discussed.

Everything seemed so far away, as if she was merely an observer in this elegant dinning room. For a split moment, she wished she had never heard the trees singing, even if it had probably been the most enchanting melody her ears had ever heard, dazzling her into a different time and space as their melancholic voices whispered the lyrics to her, seeming to penetrate into her very spirit. For a split moment, she wished it had not been she the one to hear something the others could not.

She closed her eyes for a second, the soft breeze that entered through the wall-length open windows gently caressing her skin, like a tender hand searching to give some comfort. Outside, the trees continued to sway dully, the soft sound of their dancing leaves floating in the air as an empty song. And that is what it was. It was empty. There were no voices this time; there was no sing of the enchanting tune that seemed to hypnotize her, only their soft whispering into the wind.

She could feel her chest tightening with frustration, making her want to snap out at someone, to yell. But what for? It was not as if she could tell anyone about Vilya, the powerful blue stoned ring, calling to her in the blowing wind. And now she did not even know exactly what of what she could hear and see could her siblings also hear and see.

"Excuse me" She finally said, her voice coming out as a faint whisper as she suddenly rose from the table.

The room felt silent instantly, all conversation dying as five pairs of eyes turned in her direction. Elerrina kept her own eyes on the floor, not wanting to make eye contact with anybody as she wordlessly headed towards the doors, not sparing a look behind. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Elladan quickly rise from seat, not saying a single word as he strode after her. Tadion also stood, seeming to hesitate on what to do.

"Tadion, no" She heard Legolas' soft warning, followed by the muted sound of the Prince of Mirkwood sitting back down on his seat, but she did not turn or stop as she finally reached the pair of doors, stepping out of the now silent dinning room.

The long corridor was empty, and she did not why, but she felt glad it was. There was no elf who would stare at her, no maid who would greet her politely, making her have to force a smile in return. She kept walking down the hall, her feet moving fast as her mind remained lost in thoughts of her own.

"Rina?" She could hear Elladan following her, his footsteps rushing to catch up with her, feeling his worry and desperation to be near her through their bond.

She suddenly stopped, standing in the middle of the long deserted hallway as she waited for Elladan to reach her side. Not even a second later, she felt a gentle hand circling around her upper arm and she turned to face him, frustration and desperation making her chest constrict.

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