Halloween Special!

Start from the beginning

"Seriously Lance? We're gonna be like this?" Keith sighed.

"Yes!" Lance yelled, immediately turning to greet the kids.

"Trick or treat!" Keith was already growing tired of those three words. And he had only heard them twice.

"Here, kids. You should all be glad your parents love you. You should appreciate how they brought you into this world." Lance said as he handed out chocolates. The children were left in confusion, smiling sheepishly at Lance. "Isn't that right, Keith."

Keith laughed awkwardly, turning to the kids.

"He ate too much chocolate, have a good night kids." Keith dragged Lance inside

Lance dropped the now empty bowl of chocolates on the table with the other bowls. Keith put a sign out that he made two years ago, stating they were out if candy so he wouldn't have to listen to the annoying children. Lance sank onto the couch with a frown, sniffling like a dissapointed child. Which really, he was.

Keith sighed and dropped beside him. "Let's not ruin our Halloween. You can't perform Jacks lament while crying." Keith reasoned.

"B-but you-"

"I'll listen when we think the time is right. And when the time is right, we'll talk about this. But for now, it's Halloween. So let's just enjoy it!"

Lance smirked and stood up. He began to jump up and down and stretch. "Alright, but prepare your future father ass for some jaw dropping singing skills!" Lance pointed at Keith with a smirk. Keith just rolled his eyes and pressed the play button on the TV.

" Now, this is Halloween, this is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween Halloween!"

Lance yawned and stretched his arms above his head. His smile didn't falter as he rolled over to see Keith laying, still sleeping. He placed a small kiss on his temple making Keith stir.

"Good morning my dear." Lance whispered.

Keith hummed I response, rolling closer to Lance and snuggling close to him for warmth.

"You're happy in the morning. But never this happy. What's with the pet name?" Keith grumbled.

"I just had an amazing dream. But I  can't remember about what." Lance sighed. He pouted as he wracked his brain to remember.

"Maybe you were seeing the future." Keith joked.

Lance chuckled. "I sure hope so. Something tells me that it was a very... eventful dream."

Keith kissed Lance's throat, seeing as it was the only place he could reach at the moment. "Well, you'll have to just wait and see if that moment ever happens."

"How am I supposed to know if I don't even know what the dream was about?" Lance whined.

"You'll just know." Keith replied. Lance smiled contently, snuggling closer to Keith. Keith wrapped his arms around Lance and pulled him as close as he possibly could, entangling their legs together like earphones that were left in a pocket. They fell back asleep in the bed of their b&b room they were staying in. They could hear seagulls squawking outside and the sea could be heard, crashing against rocks. It formed a peaceful aura around the sleeping boys. Neither if them would prefer be anywhere else.

Yeah, it's late. Whatever... I have another late thing!!!!

A cool bean @Huffle666 tagged me in this cool thing. I'm supposed to tag people but its a bit late. But if there's another tag, tag me boi ;)

1. I like Stephen King's it. The new one that is, I haven't watched a lot of horror movies but this one creeped me out :3

2. Hocus Pocus, I put a spell on you

;;)) my jam

3. Neither, I don't like hot drinks :(

4.  Vampires. I'm a sucker for vampires (ayye, puns)

5.  Anywhere? I don't know, the cheap places.

6.  Haribo Starmix. My one and only.

7.  My pajamas -.-

8. Food.

9.  Grave yard. Lemme have my romantic picnic ;) (Dream Daddy y'all)

10. Pumpkin. Apples ain't spooky. The only scary thing about them is eating them.

11.  Movie marathon!!! I do have a party every year, but I'd do anything just to watch as much Tim Burton movies as possible.

12.  Every year eating food. And fireworks, but mainly food.

13.  Party with food, movies, fireworks and a different theme every year :3


Spooky. Thanks for the tag (again) @Huffle666 your username is cool too. Check out her stories btw ;)

Sorry everything's late again. But half a loaf is better than none.

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