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Hey ya'll!! Man, it's been awhile. I've missed my lovely flowers! Some time back I told you guys I was going through some rough physical and mental stuff. I'm seeking help and doing better than what I was a couple months ago. Of course I'm not where I strive to be but baby steps. Little by little I'll be where I want to be.

That being said I hope to be able to post something soon. Thank you to the lovey people who commented and have been commenting about getting better and about the story in general. It's awesome to see so much kindness and silliness. It's made me smile when I've really needed it. You guys are all such amazing people and it warms my heart to see it.

As many know mental illness is something a large amount of people go through. And it really fucking sucks. I get it, I'm living through it. But I just want to let you know that if you're out there and you feel like it's not worth it, that your life doesn't matter, that no one will notice or care, that it's too much, or that you need love. Just know that I think it's worth it, your life does matter, it's hard but we can through it, I care, and I love you. You're not alone. If you need help please, please seek it. I know it sucks when you try to seek help and they turn you away or act like it's not a big deal. I know it hurts when you open up to people you thought would help and they don't understand or turn their back on you. It's an awful feeling and it makes you lose yourself and that slice of hope you had. But there's more help that others can offer and they may be strangers but they want to help, they want to see you live life. You can always talk to me and it's okay if I don't know you. I won't judge you or fault you. You're okay to be yourself and life has so much more to offer than the hardships. I'm not 100% there yet and I know that I'm still in total need of help but I'm getting better so I can be an example. Whether it be depression, anxiety, suicide, self-harm, etc. No one can tell you it doesn't matter or to grow out of it. It's not just a phase. It's not because you're seeking attention. It's not that simple. No one can deny you your feelings because they aren't living the same situations you are. Everyone battles their own demons. But there is light at the end of that tunnel. Don't lose hope.

I'm always here to lend an ear. It's always easier to talk to a stranger first before you seek help from someone you know. And if no one helps there are people who can. Just know you're important and that you are loved.

Thank you guys. I love you guys. 🌼🌻🌹🌷🌺🌸 Fighting!!

Sending lots of
사랑. ❤️
Amour. 🖤

-Little Tree. 🌳💕

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