Chapter 1 (Moving in)

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Hello, yes it is me Kosho! I'm making a Tord x Reader (yes i'm very original...), but i'm gonna try something different (I don't think anyone has done it sorry if you did though) i'm making a you decide story things (hopefully you know what i'm saying). So, I hope you enjoy bye! Also, The End didn't happened fyi.

(Y/N's Pov) (You if you don't know)

Well, today is the day i'm finally moving out of my parents home! My mom/dad/pineapple kept bugging me to pick a new home, so I picked the house with a red roof and tan walls. (Hopefully that's right) The description said, "If you want adventures and friends you came to the right place." I pack my bags and head out. My parents waved me a good by and said good luck. I went up to the door and....

(Here's the choices A: Bang on the door, B: Lightly knock on the door, or C: Text Edd you're outside?)

A: Bang on the door

You start banging on the door very loudly and then the door opens. A man with spikey hair and no eyes looks grumpy and tired. "What do you want?" He growled. (O o f bad first impression) "I saw online that you were looking for a roommate." He paused for a second and went back in. You waited just in cased if he came back and surely he did with another man with a t-shirt that says "Smeg Head". "You're here for the room?" He says a lot more nicer than the other person "Yep!" You said. ""Well, i'm Edd and this grump right by me is Tom." The person named "Tom" looked unpleased and just went back inside most likely to his room. Edd brings you into the house for a tour.

B: Lightly knock on door

You knocked on the door lightly and then a few minutes later a man with spikey hair and no eyes answered. "Hello.." He said tired. "What do you need?" He asked. You say " I'm here for the room!" "Mkay, follow me i'm Tom.." He brings you to another man with the words "Smeg Head" on his t-shirt. "Hi i'm Edd!" He says. "You want the room right?" You just say. "Yeah". "Okay let me give you a tour of the place." (Yeah sorry it's a lot more shorter than the other choice.) 

C: Text Edd

You didn't know if you should knock on the door so you pull out your trusty phone and text the number the person left in the house description. 

You: Hey, I'm here for the room i'm outside.

Unknown: (Aka Edd) I'm coming.

You wait for a bit and a person with a t-shirt that says "Smeg Head" on it opens the door. "Hello, i'm Edd what's your name?" He questions. "I'm (Y/N) nice to meet you Edd." You say trying to sound polite. He let's you in and you head in. "Let me give you a tour." 

Okay heres where all the choices meet up

Edd brings you to what you assume is the living room. "Here is the living room." He says. He takes you to the kitchen. "Here's the kitchen. Also, don't touch my coke." He goes to a hallway. " Here are the rooms. Here's Tom's room, Matt's room, my room, Tord's room, and your room." He points at all of them. Wait there's two more people? "Well, if you need me i'll be in my room drawing bye." You go to your room which looks really nice. You spend the rest of your day unpacking. Great it's night already. I guess i'll meet the other two tomorrow..


That's all for now sorry Tord isn't in this chapter, but he will appear in the next one, also hope you enjoyed my little choice thing. (I think it is original I haven't seen people use it.) 

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