VII. The Break of Dawn

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With the beacon now in Brynjolf's possession, they returned to Mount Kilkreath. Brynjolf walked straight up to the pedestal and placed Meridia's beacon back in it. A brilliant white light streaked down from the heavens, through the space between the statue's hands, and struck the cream sphere. It began to rise up into the light and they rose with it.

Karliah gasped in shock and Macayla could tell her husband fought to hold in his bewilderment; Macayla herself wasn't surprised because of Nocturnal expecting some display of power from Meridia. Nocturnal scoffed at the ridiculousness of the display.

The Nightingale Trinity floated high above Skyrim. Many clouds drifted under their feet—they could see Solitude to Dragon Bridge and beyond. The beacon had now become a glowing ball of white light hovering in front of them.

"It is time for my splendor to return to Skyrim," Meridia's booming voice echoed out of the light. "But the token of my truth lies in the ruin of my once great temple, now tainted by a profane darkness skittering within. The Necromancer Malkoran defiles my shrine with vile corruptions, trapping lost souls to do his bidding. Worse still, he uses the power stored within my token to fuel his foul deeds."

Macayla felt the Daedric prince finally notice her. "Nocturnal... How surprised I am at having you at my feet, and how disgusted I am at seeing you inhabiting this mortal."

"I had no other choice," Nocturnal said.

"I will not hear your excuses. You, Nocturnal, are known to make an option when one does not suit you. You should not have interfered in these mortals' lives."

Macayla's chest swelled with Nocturnal's irritation. "These three have chosen to become my agents, and this one offered herself to me. I have 'interfered' hoping to help them protect what they love. I could've stayed safe in my realm, like you, but I chose to risk all I am to help them repel Mehrunes Dagon once again. I care for my servants, unlike you."

"Look at my temple lying in ruin, Nocturnal! So much for the constancy of mortals, their crafts and their hearts. If they love me not, how can my love reach them?"

"You know mortals are forgettable! That is no reason to abandon them. I had my temple desecrated and my Skeleton Key stolen by one of my own agents; these three before you fought to restore it." Macayla took in a breath as Nocturnal calmed herself down. "You cannot tell me you have not sensed Mehrunes Dagon's intent."

"I have felt the stirrings in Oblivion," Meridia answered a breath later.

"And you chose to ignore it," Nocturnal spat.

"What use is it of warning mortals? They are so weak and frail. How can they possibly stand against a Daedra?"

"They did it once; they can do it again."

"Without one of Dragonblood?"

"That's why we have come seeking you, my Lady," Brynjolf inserted. "Nocturnal herself told us you may be more willing to listen to our need. We are determined to drive back this threat, but we require your help."

Meridia didn't respond, mulling over what he had to say.

"You have distanced yourself from humankind for too long, Meridia; you have not seen how resilient and admirable mortals are," Nocturnal said. "We look down upon them, but they remain strong."

The Daedric prince remained quiet for a while; finally, her attention turned back on Brynjolf. "I see what Nocturnal is attempting to do; since you touched my beacon, you shall be my champion. You will enter my temple, retrieve my artifact, and destroy the defiler."

"What is this artifact?" he asked.

"Mortals call it Dawnbreaker, for it was forged in a holy light that breaks upon my foes, burning away corruption and false life."

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