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Amiec Laskaris was jolted awake as the side of his head slammed against something hard and unforgiving. His eyes shot open and the irritation he felt subsided to a dull ache to mirror the pain now radiating in his head. He was still on the school bus. His impulsive decision of closing his eyes to pass the time did nothing, and his class had not yet arrived at the cabin retreat where they were headed. Not like he really wanted to be here in the first place. Yawning, he sat upright, drawing a hand across his bleary eyes and peering around the noisy vehicle. 

All around him were the members of his Social and Nature Study class, students at Northpeak University, a school for Alphas and Betas of high academic standing. Most of his peers, as he looked down the aisle from the back of the bus, were from his city, and the neighboring one of Landsdown. Alphas and Betas he'd grown up with just about, been to birthday parties and overall seen the majority of his life. All except for one.

His eyes fell on the alabaster skin of a Beta who transferred into his class just a few months prior. Envy Aikawa. He was a quiet guy, usually off to himself, head buried in a book or just gazing off into the distance, never really letting anyone close. His heterochromatic blue and gold eyes were framed by long, pale lashes and his milky white hair spilled along his back. He watched him read the book in his lap, a small jolt of fascination twinged in his chest. The man was beautiful and he always felt oddly drawn to him. Envy never really spoke much actually, and Amiec couldn't recall a single time he had heard the man's voice. He mused over this half-assedly, as he watched him lift his hand, using his long, slender fingers to tuck a few stray locks of hair behind his ear.

The bus lurched to a sudden stop and a student that was walking along the aisle went careening into Envy's outward facing elbow. He snorted as both boys dropped their books in the middle of the walkway. Serves him right for walking on a moving vehicle. Amiec smirked as he looked over the scene amongst scattered laughing and snide remarks coming from his classmates. He turned his head towards the opposite side of the bus, noticing a few people leaning out the open windows calling towards a group of what seemed like Betas and Omegas walking pass their stopped vehicle.

"What are you doing with those omegas?" One voice said, disdain evident in every word.

"You better not be datin'm! Some Alpha will come one day and snatch'm right from under you!" Another teased. Various hoots of laughter followed.

"They're probably just gonna fuck'm." Yet another called, "That's all they're good for innit!?"

Amiec gazed out the window to the stricken expressions of the three Omega in the group of eight, and the mixed looks of amusement and embarrassment among the Betas. One of them made a lewd gesture to someone through a window and he saw a pair of arms swinging at the Beta just out of arms reach.

"Oh, I'm sorry." A soft, melodic voice, barely audible, sifts through all the noise and reaches his ears. He turns his head as watches as Envy leans down to help his classmate gather his things, his capable pale fingers avoiding contact with his peer's, deftly sorting through the mess.

"It's all my fault! I should have been sitting." The boy, Darnell, a friendly Beta, laughed as he bends down to collect his books into a pile.

Envy smiles in return, his pale hair falling around his shoulders to show the nape of his neck, and Amiec finds himself sitting up in his seat as a sweet, almost familiar scent touches his nose. What... What is this? An Omega..? The two finish sorting their items and Darnell smiles apologetically again as he makes his way back to his seatmate. Envy turns and puts his books on the seat next to him since he, like Amiec , always sat alone on the bus ride.

As he watched, Envy rummaged around in his small blue backpack, pulling a package from between a few books. It was as small as a pack of mints and opened like one, as he popped the lid with this thumb and reached in, removing a tiny white pill. Drugs?  Amiec wasn't certain, but as Envy drew his hand to his lips and slipped the tiny pill under his tongue, unnoticed, he shrugged. He wasn't about to get in the guy's business. Let him do what he will. He wasn't his mate or anything or his keeper but... he did look familiar.

Turning to look back out the window, he chalks up the scent as one of the Omegas outside and a shout comes from the front of the bus. He recognized the sound as his teacher.

"All right you all. Settle down. Settle down!"

Mr. Barret's voice booms through the cacophony of sounds. He was the teacher of the class, a fun but no-nonsense Alpha who pulled this trip together with an iron fist. A large framed man, he was tall with cold steel grey eyes, his short blond hair sliced down to a buzz-cut and a face etched with a perpetual scowl. But, his treatment of his students belied his outward appearance. He was kind, determined and always put his students and learning first, often making 'Teacher of the Month' for many consecutive months in a row.

The conflicting fact about Mr. Barret was that, while he was known to dislike Omegas, as did most of the academy due to their genetic makeup, he cast a vote in agreement in banning them from entering higher educational establishments. He claimed that an Omega in heat would only distract the professional learning environment of schools where time is paid by the dollar and didn't want a chance at that happening under his watch. That wouldn't spark too much interest from a man that lives and breathes education if it weren't for the fact that his son, his only child, was an Omega of college age.

It was said that his son was sent to live with relatives in another country. Some people enjoyed spreading the rumor that he killed his son, as a nod to his brute-like size and appearance. As far as Amiec was concerned, it was extremely hypocritical of him to not allow his son to reach standards of higher education simply because of his sex.

The deal with Omegas is that every few months, they enter a period of 'heat' where they are susceptible to getting pregnant. The pheromones they release at that time are so strong that any Alpha within range and some particularly sensitive Betas are flung into a lust filled rage where the only thought on their mind is to breed, to mate with that Omega. And the Omega himself would be in such a haze due to their passion, that coherent thought is hardly possible. They become in danger of being Bitten or Bonded and therefore constricted to only mating with one partner for the rest of their lives. It could be a horrible thing to wake up with a life partner you don't even know.

Most viewed Omega, because of this, as just a hole to dump into, claiming they're really not good for anything other than sex working or having babies. Amiec personally didn't think so. He had a few friends back when he was younger and society wasn't so divided that were Omegas. One was a good artist, and one was a shy, quiet boy with pale skin and hair as white as...

The noise level in the vehicle subsided as they began to move forward again, the stop light that held them at pause, green. Amiec cut his eyes over to Envy once more, replaying the lilt of his voice in his mind as that warm, familiar scent washed over him again. He leans his head against the window inhaling deeply and closes his eyes as he exhales, satisfied enough with the dwindling sounds to let his mind drift, followed by his consciousness.

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