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The next morning, Amiec slowly returns to consciousness, his mind filled with thoughts of Envy dancing around with him in the meadow at night, like his own little ray of moonlight. He opens his eyes slowly, and a sudden, inexplicable pang of need jolts through him like liquid fire. Immediately, he knows that he's alone in bed. Panic isn't even the correct word for it.

He sits bolt upright, notices it's daylight and looks at the clock on the side stand by the bed. It's 1 pm the next afternoon?!

Did Envy leave??

Did he hate him now???

Various versions of these thoughts run like a wildfire through his mind, setting flame to every shred of happiness that he had amassed the previous night. He didn't want to hurt Envy or feel like he took advantage of him.

Did he lose what he always wanted and finally got?

Did he... did he not bite him in the right place???!

Was Envy's use of those pills somehow able to stop the bond??

He pauses briefly. Maybe he never had a chance. He abruptly cuts his line of thought and looks for his boxers. Not finding them, he impulsively throws open his door and runs anyway to the kitchen, where he's suddenly hit by the smell of muffins... blueberry.

He stops dead in his tracks at the sight of a tall, lanky figure, ass naked with a blue apron on. Long white hair, the colour of moonlight covers his back to just below his shoulder blades as the figure clanks around the kitchen. The figure turns his head, sensing someone behind him and sapphire and gold eyes lock on Amiec's. A blush dances across his face as he looks at him.

"I... I made you muffins.... Since you said you'll take care of me, maybe I can take care of you a little, too." he says, looking down at the tray in his hands. He smiles and he looks back up at Amiec, his expression devolving to one of worry as he catches sight of Amiec's stricken expression.

"I... I thought you left me... I finally got you." Amiec mummers, staggering forward to brace his hands on the island.

"I couldn't leave you if I wanted to. And I don't." Envy reassures him. He takes a step forward and a gentle expression, one Amiec had never seen before fixed itself on Envy's features.

"I love you." Envy says. Those three words cut to Amiec's soul and he feels all his doubts fade into the distance. He loved me. He loved ME. He glances up at his mate, with only one response being appropriate.

"I love you, too."

Envy smiles brightly and glances at Amiec's apparent morning wood.

"You know, maybe we should take care of that first," he says, his smile widening as he sets the muffins on the cabin kitchen's table and walks towards him slowly.

"I think we should." Amiec responds, a lazy smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he pulls him into a kiss, knowing in his mind that he will never let him hurt again. This beautiful man belonged to him, now and forever. Envy had given him a piece of himself he never had. And he'll repay that favour with his life. Forever.

As he held his soul mate against him, he felt Envy's hands slide against his skin, heat radiating through his body at each and every butterfly touch. Amiec whispered against his lover's hair, his breath warm, tickling his ear:

"I love you... more than the most."

More than the Most.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें