He was trained for about a year and a half and had been assigned to crack the drug dealers as his first graded project. He had started off trading drugs with local dealers on his own so that the dons could confide in him. He initially began as a small proprietor and gradually within a year or so, had made his place big in the underworld.  He had left no stone unturned to make himself look as real as he could, trying to appear as a full-time gangster was no easy job. 

His family had dissed him often for his appearance despite knowing it all. Torn, faded jeans and fluorescent gunjee tops over it, he used to wear his hair long just to add an extra element to his look.  Sometimes, he even had to act like he was drunk or was on weeds; startling his brother a few times. He was that good at it. Though smoking came naturally to him so there was no need for any drama. He was a fashionable smoker. 

Once he started working for Panther and many other small gangs, there was no turning back. He was a skilled worker, sincere individually to all of them. Panther had regarded him as a special treat to his clan, he often found himself at his mercy for his sharpness at work. Unfortunately, his cover was badly blown when he was in Swat while he had been dodging to stop the sugar containers to be shipped to Saudi Arabia.

Udayl, his co-worker and a very close friend was also undercover and had been reporting to him about Panther's activities while he was away for the wedding. His life was taken away because Panther had got through them both. He had killed Udayl first and then was after Moutasim.

He had scanned the globe for Moutasim and when he did find his exact location, he sent his men trudging through the mountains of the Kalam Valley. That's when Riya had encountered some masked men behind the bushes when she had gone too far riding on her horse. They had actually been there on a scheme to shoot Moutasim in the head but missed their golden chance. 

When Panther had been informed that Moutasim was all set to get married, without knowing the real circumstances of the forced marriage whatsoever, he decided to kidnap his newly-wed bride so that Moutasim would obviously follow and it would be easier to trap and kill him. 

The plan had worked in full swing; exactly to the core of Panther's mind. Moutasim didn't care about what would follow or what would become of his career as an undercover cop. He had taken off, leaving all risks looming on his head like a dagger, just to get Riya safe and sound. 

After a couple of days of playing hide and seek in Istanbul, he had a master plan. The father of all plans ever made by anyone. 

He put everything at stake to send her home safely through the Turkish civil services. His job as an undercover agent had already been tarnished. Nothing was left, really. He was going to be killed anyway. 

But, he was one of those who would cling on to hope like a loose dangling rope, all tattered and broken but the light of taking one last risk still burnt in him. If not, he knew he will be dead, so why not still die but in his own style?

First, he made sure that his plan to send Riya home worked. Her insistence to go shopping in Taksim square was a bonus factor to his already built plan. He had gone out into the open deliberately leaving Riya alone for a while just to see what their next step would be. It was exactly as he thought it would be; they were tapped! 

Once that was done, he planned to make his death look like an accident or a suicide, but that was what he wanted the world to believe. He wasn't even in the hut when it exploded. He was near not in it, but for Panther who was chasing, it was made to seem to him as if Moutasim were inside.

Later, his department asked him to move away somewhere safe, until Panther could really be found for once and for all. Over the course of the period when Moutasim had worked for him, he had been successfully able to obtain most of his private details. Bank account details, types of transactions, funding sources, his net worth, all of it. This is why Panther was so adamant to kill Moutasim. Though, there was a doubt if Panther ever believed of his 'death'. NIB had to be ultra-cautious at handling this wanted devil even more from then on.

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