Chapter 20

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Jenna's POV 

" You need something, honey? " Derick asked me before he wants to get back with his works. I shakes my head and he was kissed my forehead. " Good night. I will be quick. " I wants to be alone now. I just need time. Derick got out while i am here. Looks to the ceiling, laying down in the bed. 

What's going on today. About my parents. Must i helped them after what's they doing to me? I just wants they say sorry and all about them say anything to me back then just because they are angry. Wants me to have a good life. I only wants to hear that they love me like i am their own child. Not like this. Come to me, begged to helped them with money. It's not my money. It's Derick. 

Trying to go sleep but i can't. I make my way to Derick office in downstairs. Knocking before get in. But it's quiet. So i opened the door slowly, i search Derick around the room. No one here. I can't sleep these days if Derick not with me. He was like my pillow, so comfortable. 

" Honey. " I startled by sudden sound behind me. Make me lost my balance but quickly Derick hands wrapped around my waist pulled me to his arms. I will always can believe him. 

" Can you being careful next time? What if i am not right here? " 

" But you are. " 

" Honey. Please, you are eight months pregnant now. Just be careful. " I don't wants to hear his chit chat this night. Right now, i just wants being in his arms. Hugged him tightly so he does not go anywhere. But my stomach making me far from him. 

Derick give up and started to hugged me back. " Let's go to sleep. " He was dragged me to our room. And laying me in the bed, while he remove all of his clothes till just his boxer. Laying himself next to me, move my body closer to his arms. My favorite places in this worlds. 

Derick rubbing my stomach and playing with my hair until i fall asleep. The contractions wake me up at midnight. Trying not to make a sound so Derick does not wake up. The pain like move from my back to my lower abdomen. Taking a deep breath, while grip the blanket with my hands. I have been getting contractions these past days. The doctor said it was normal because the due date was near. 

" You have the contractions? " Derick wake up because i move side to side. I just nodded. He rubbing my stomach and whispers. " Don't make mommy hurt, buddy. Let's be a good boy and hear dad story. So mommy can sleep again. " 

Derick always doing a little talking to his little son when i have a contractions. But the funny things, after that the contractions will stopped. It's like a magic between son and the father. I can't wait to see you my son. 

" I love you, Derick. So much. " Without me knowing i am crying because Derick was confusing while brushing my tears away. 

" sttt... I love you too. You are the best things that happens to me. You give me this little buddy..." He kissed my stomach make me laughing. 

Derick continued. " And this perfect life. Thank you for comes to me and never give up on me. I know i am a little bit annoying sometimes. And the possessive husband that what's you called me maybe... "

" Sometimes? It's every time. " 

Cleared his throat and smiling, leaned to me closer and peck my lips. " But i am really the sexiest husband in this worlds. " 

" You are the sexiest husband. But not the sexiest guy. " I said to him with my evil face. He pouting make him was so cute. " You are the only guy i wants and loved, Derick. I am really love you. And to this little buddy. " 

" We are love you. " 

Derick whispers to my stomach and still rubbing it. I am sleepy now, i closed my eyes and before i am deep in sleep. I can still heard Derick said " Good night, my wife and my son." 

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