Chapter 5

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Derick's POV

" Jenna, please listen to me. " Already 2 weeks Jenna being angry with me. She does not wants hear me or meet me.

" I am sorry if claim to be your fiance. But i accepted your dad proposal. So we will married. "

Suddenly Jenna stopped her step and turn around make me bumped to her. Make her body not balanced. I grabbed her waist. She pushed me away like i am a bacteria or something that can make her sick.

Jenna glared to me before she said " Another day you like angry with me because i accept that fucking proposal. And now you want me to marry you? You must be crazy, Derick! " She shouted at me. People around us look at me, like wants to know what was the problem.

I grabbed Jenna's hand, dragged her to come with me. I bring her to hallway, at least only me will hear Jenna shouting. I don't want to be a gossip for next month.

" I am not angry because of that. "

" So?! "

Cleared my throat " Hmm... Just that... I want you to choose what was good for your life. It's your life Jenna, not your father. Don't be your choice regret yourself. "

I looks at her and she bow her head to her feet. Don't want to make eyes contact with me. The silenced feel the atmosphere around us.

Only us.

Later she make a sound.

" I don't have a choice, Derick... "

I am waiting for her explanation, she was like hold back her tears not to fall.

" They cared for me, even though i am not their child. Make my life the best that i can wish for. They give me everything. School, love, and family. I can give my life to them if they want that. "

Jenna was different from another girl that i have ever met. She was not think about herself, but around her too. I can't ruin her life for marrying me.

" Okay. This is just the contract marriage. After 2 years, you will free. From your parents. " And from me, I continued to myself.

She looks confused about what i am said.

" Be my wife when you come to business. And when you are home, you just Jenna. Nothing to worry about, I will never touched you. If that what you worry about. " I smirked to her, make her lips lifted. She was smiling again.

I love it.

" Deal. "


I called Mr. Cliff to told him that Jenna agree.

" Hello, Mr. Cliff. "

" You meet my daughter? "

" Yes, I met her and she agreed to marry me. "

I can hear Mr. Cliff sound of relax in the phone. " Okay, when you both will come to us? "

Speaking of that, i must told Jenna first. What if she does not wants to meet her parents? Or she still angry to them. Be careful not to make Jenna angry again with me. Everyone afraid of me but i am afraid of Jenna. It's funny if my employees hear it. The arrogance bastard afraid of the girl and the girl will be my wife soon.

" My schedule here maybe will finished next month. We will met you at the time. "

" Okay. "

After i closed the phone, someone ring the bell of my hotel. I looks at my wrist, and it's still only 7 AM in the morning. With lazy step i opened the door and there stand Jenna in front of my hotel's room. She moving her eyes from my top until my bottom. I can see blushing in her cheek.

" Why you don't wear anything? " She closed her eyes with her hands. I looks at my body.

" I wear my pants. "

She pointed to my chest who naked does not wear top. I am doing the exercise until I remember to called Mr. Cliff. Every morning, i get up. Do the push up and sit up. Because i am never have time to go to gym. Little exercise can make me healthy and forming my muscle.

I chuckled to her cute expression. " Get in. "

Jenna stepped to my hotel's room but still does not release her hands from her eyes. Take the t-shirt from bed and wear it. Walked to the kitchen i make the coffee.

" Coffee? "

" Wear something first, Derick. " I am laughing so hard. Jenna slowly down her hands and when she was safe, she take a deep breath.

She sit in the stool and busy typing something with her phone. Make me curious about it. She text someone and if it was Edward. I clenched my hands to calm me. Hear about Edward, my brain already wants to explode.

" I am text my Dad, Come back with me tomorrow. " Shocked what i am hear. Tomorrow?

" The sooner the better. " She continued

Now, i know what she means. She wants to finished the contract marriage as soon as possible. And why i feel a little sad about it? I wants the best for her. And marry me not the best.

" What kind of marriage you want? " I changed the topic for me not to think about it again. I can't have a feeling for her. Not her.

Jenna was thinking before she said with smiled in her face

" Simple. Just family and friends. I don't want to have massive party like all the billionaires have. I always thinking about the marriages when i am little. Someone hold my hands and said he loved me. The romantic vow like i see in the movie. Who can be my friend, my brother, and my love. Hold me never let me go."

I can see the brightness in her face when she thinking about the marriage. I always pray for you Jenna, that someday you will have your mate.

Your destiny.

And your everything. Who loved you just the way you are.

" What about you? "

" What about me? "

She leaned forward to me, make my face only inch away from her. Her eyes was so beautiful. The grey eyes very matching with her. Her smell very sweet. Everything about her make me drowning deeper to her. I snapped my mind and cleared my throat.

" I am never think about that. "

" You don't want to marry, right? Because you hate the family topic or what was that you called about. "

I looks at her. The smiled in her face disappear. When i wants to said something

" You are still lucky. You have your own family. Your biological parents. Loved them while you still have time to do it. I don't know anything about your family problems... " She bring her hand to my cheek, turn my face to face her.

" But believe me... when you lost them. You will regret for all your life. " She continued. Slightly tears fall for her cheek. All of a sudden, my heart hurt like the first when i see her crying in my car. The same feeling. I brushed her tears away used my thumbs.

Never in my life, someone give me advice for my family problems. Or i must say i never heard the advice. Closed my heart to my parents.

Bring her head to my shoulders, we keep being like this until she does not crying anymore. She release me look me in the eyes.

" Thank you, Derick. For your shoulders. And for hearing what i wants to said. "

" I will be here for you when you need me. Remember I am your husband soon. Don't be shy to come to me if you have a problems. " I smirked to make her laugh but she only smiled.

She walked to the door " pick me in my aunt's house tomorrow. Booked the ticket. Take care of that right, husband? " Jenna replied me with the joking and smirked in her face. And she got out.

She was strong i know that.

She can through all of her problems.

If you need the shoulders, come to me Jenna. I will be your shoulders, hold you.

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