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(What up? I'm officially Hamiltrash.) ((credit to artist))
SILT: You'll be back- Jonathon Groff
Word Count: 678(?)

You panted as Antonio rolled off of you and flopped down beside you on the bed. You stared up at the ceiling as you came down from your high, ignoring the arm that threw itself over you.
As the stars faded from your vision, your mind returned and a soft sigh left you. Using the soft snores of your lover to your advantage, you squirmed out of his grip and got up from your position on the bed.
You ignored the dull, yet satisfying, ache in your lower body as you searched for your clothes. You quickly found your jeans and hastily tugged them on before beginning the search for your shirt.
"Don't leave, por favor."
You stood up straight at the sound of the husky voice. Shaking off your surprise, you spotted your trainers in the corner of the room and headed towards them.
You felt Antonio's gaze on you as you grabbed your shoes.
"Don't start, Antonio. We've been over this, I can't stay." You said in annoyance as you spotted the familiar pattern of your shirt.
A sigh left the man behind you and you heard the squeak of the mattress springs as he stood up.
"But Te Am-"
"Don't you dare. Don't you fucking dare tell me you love me, Antonio." You cut him off, scowling as you saw that your shirt had been ripped beyond repair.
"Why? It's true. Te amo, (name). I love you, and I know that you love me too." He insisted, pulling on his boxers. He turned around and watched you with sad eyes as you continued to gather your things.
You clenched your fist at his words and shut your eyes, as if it could make them any less true.
You heard him walk towards your frozen figure. His arms wrapped around your waist securely and you hung your head.
"We both know we can't keep doing this, it's not fair. You don't deserve to have to sneak around to feel appreciate, mi amor." He murmured, and you shivered in his embrace.
"You know we're supposed to be together. I knew it the first time I saw you , and you know it, too. I know you do."
"I...Toni, I just.." You tried, but were unable to put words to the distress you were feeling.
Antonio sighed and worry flooded your senses. You could try and play it off as human nature but you knew the truth deep down. You were in love with this beautiful emerald eyed man.
Your shoulders shook and the arms wrapped around you pulled you backwards into the firm chest of the man behind you.
"You know that you're going to have to choose. Me...or him?" He said, voice turning venomous at the mention of your boyfriend.
Your mind wandered to the blonde man you called your boyfriend. His blue eyes and playful nature had drawn you in, yet he was always more attentive to his own wants and needs than being concerned about you. When you had met Antonio, he treated you as if you were a queen. His queen. Antonio cared about you and left you feeling breathless at the mere sight of that damn smile of his. Sure, you knew Alfred cared about you, but to what extent?
"Don't...please don't make me choose." You pleaded quietly, trying to ignore the weight of tears on your eyelashes.
"You must, mi corazón. You know that you must."
A shaky breath left your lips, and the tears began to fall.
"You. It's always been you. Ever since we met." You whispered, as the tears ran down your cheeks.
Antonio turned you around in his arms and held you as you cried. Your arms shakily gripped his upper arms and you feverishly whispered the words he had wanted you to whisper ever since he met you.
"I love you, Antonio."
He knew it would take time, after all; you were still technically in a relationship. But he knew everything would work out, and he would finally be able to call you his.
You like? Yes? No? Let me know!
(Okay I've had this idea ever since I started writing for prussia and that was at the start of this year. I always envision my ideas as videos so it's difficult to write them into stories but I think this went okay?
Okay, just some news about the obligatory sad fic for spain; I know what I'm doing for it. As you may have noticed, I've become obsessed with Hamilton and as you may be realising, it's going to be a song fic. Hamilton has many, many, MANY emotional songs so if you can guess which one I'll uh give you a shoutout I guess? Idk tell me what you want and imma give it you (within reason people).
lol bye)

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