romano||a hufflepuff and a slytherin?

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(Before we get started, can we just discuss how hot Roma looks in the picture?) ((credit to whoever drew it)) (((pls don't comment that ur in a different house. It doesn't change the story. I just needed a house for the title and "a hufflepuff and a Gryffindor/Slytherin/Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff?!" doesn't have the same ring to it. Thanku)))
SILT: New Rules - Dua Lipa
Word count: 951

It was just your average day at Hogwarts. You know, going to [boring] classes and listening to your friend Arthur complain about some Gryffindor stalking him. Stuck up lion lovers, always thinking that they're so great and that they own this damn school. Grandpa Rome clearly favours them.
You were just heading off to Defence Against Dark Arts class when you ran into a boy. Both of your books went flying and you both tumbled to the ground.
"Hey-a! Watch where you're going-a!" A Italian accent shouted out. You glanced towards the [direction of] voice and almost snarled. A Hufflepuff. Rolling your eyes, you got up and dusted off your robes, before picking up your books.
"Are you-a just going to stand there or-a are you going to help me up? This-a is your fault after all!" The boy yelled again. You took time to observe that he had dark brown hair with a strange curl sticking out, and beautiful hazel eyes. ...... Did you just say beautiful? While you were considering your sanity, a tanned hand reached up and gripped a hold of your robes, causing you to glare at the Hufflepuff.
"What do you want?" You spat out, causing the hazel eyed boy to growl.
"Unless you're deaf, I asked-a you to fucking help me up!"
Sighing in annoyance, you reached down and gripped his wrist and pulled him up.
"Fucking Slytherins, knocking over people they don't deem 'true' wizards." He muttered angrily to himself as he picked up his books. You were about to retaliate when Gilbert, another friend of yours, raced past and grabbed your wrist, pulling you to DADA. Unknowingly to you, a Hufflepuff boy with gorgeous hazel eyes was watching you being pulled away, and regretting being harsh to the (hair colour) Slytherin beauty.

-~-~Time skip-~-~

It was 2 weeks later when you next saw him. It was a couple of weeks until the Yule ball and you had yet to get a date. It wasn't that you hadn't been asked, it was just that the right person hadn't asked you. Your friend Arthur had been asked [constantly] by a Gryffindor boy named Francis, and Gilbert had asked a Ravenclaw called Matthew. All your friends had dates and teased you for not having one. You sighed and walked outside, skipping potions class, and went to sit under a tree near the Black Lake.

(Romano POV)

I growled and kicked a stone in anger. I still haven't asked someone to the Yule ball and that bastard Antonio won't stop pestering me about it. Since I had Herbology, I decided to skip and calm down a bit. I wandered for a while when I saw the Slytherin that I ran into a few weeks ago.
"They're still as pretty as the last-a time I saw them" I thought aloud. Wait, did I really just say that? I wonder if they have a date to the ball. Not that I would ask them or anything! I felt my face grow hot and my thoughts all concentrated on them.

(Normal POV)

You groaned in boredom and looked around you for some form of entertainment. As you gazed over to the left, you saw a boy with a red face, seeming deep in thought. Standing up, you squinted your (eye colour) eyes in order to try and see him better. Shock over came you as you realised that it was the nameless Hufflepuff boy with hazel eyes. Smirking slightly, you stalked over to him and waved a hand in front of his face. He didn't react. Your eyes were drawn to his curl and your hand absentmindedly reached up to tug it.

(Reader POV)

As I tugged on his curl a pair of hands grabbed my wrists and held them above my head. I struggled to free my wrists and glared at the boy in front of me. His eyes were closed and his breathing was heavy. Just as I opened my mouth to ask if he was okay, his lips planted themselves firmly on mine. They moved against mine and after a few seconds of shock, I melted into it. He pulled away a few moments later and let go of my wrists.
"Okay, I know I kissed back and all, but what the fuck man?!" I asked, my voice raising at the end. The Hazel eyed boy sank to the floor and stared at his hands, sadness, shame and embarrassment covering his face.
"Mi dispiace, bella. Mi dispiace. I'm sorry." He muttered, while refusing to look at me. I knelt down in front of him and cupped his face.
"As much as I enjoyed that, I think I need to know your name so I can kiss you again. I'm (name)." You whispered.
"Romano." He said, just as quietly as I did. For a while we just say in silence, me cupping his face and him averting his eyes from mine.
"Do-a you have a date to the Yule ball? 'Cause-a I don't either, and we-a could go together so we don't-a look like loners." He mumbled and I smiled.
"I don't, so yeah, I'll go with you." I said and he [finally] moved his eyes to look in mine. We smiled softly at each other. Unfortunately, Professor Germania came running outside and served is both detention for skipping class. Needless to say, when we got to the ball we were the hottest couple there, even if we did leave halfway through.

You like? Yes? No? Let me know!
Sorry that this is weird and probably bad, but in my defence i did write this at like, half 1 in the morning so, ya. Leave any suggestions for future one-shots and I'll do my best to fulfil your wish.
(Edit: it's July 2018, and I hate that this was what I deemed good enough 2 years ago)
FotD: Pteronophobia is the fear of being ticked by feathers

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