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(So this is the sad one. I thought that id, you know, write this and then make the cute jealousy one afterwards as a cheer up one.) ((creds to whoever drew the picture))(((credit to BRING ME THE HORIZON))) ((((I added the song because I thought it fit the story/ it's my favourite right now))))
SILT: How to save a life- the Fray
Word count: 682
Warning: Suicidal thought, suicide attempts, self harm

You swigged from the bottle of whiskey you had in your hand, watching cars and people go past. Funny how so many people walked past and yet none asked if you were okay. Where's the humanity?
Blank eyes stared straight ahead, watching as the sun set. It was so....contrasting. An ugly death ruining the beautiful night.
You drank from the bottle again before standing up, the rattling from the pill bottle in your pocket being the only thing you cared about. Of course you had other things on you, a couple switchblades, your phone, a letter. Things that seem all the more important now, than they did a few months ago.
Perhaps if that last message wasn't sent, you wouldn't be in this predicament. It wasn't your fault. They're the ones that hated you for being yourself.
A cruel laugh forced its way out of your mouth. Who were you kidding? They only told you the thing that they knew already. "You're worthless" "Ugly slut" "waste of space" "you should just kill yourself already" it was all the same.
Yanking the pill bottle from your pocket, you quickly shoved as many as you could into your mouth. You paired it with some of the throat-burning liquor, and swallowed.
Throwing the empty pill box over the bridge wall, you glared at the moon. This fucking world made you like this, and you wouldn't fucking stay in it another minute.
You pulled out one of the switchblades and let a deranged smile stretch across your face.
"O' happy dagger." You muttered before dragging it across your skin.
The blood beaded up before running down your arms. You continued the brutal mutation of your skin until you began you feel dizzy. Whether the dizziness was caused buy the pills or the cutting was unknown, all that was certain was that you were going to die.
A sad, broken smile appeared on your face as you stumbled around. Ramming into the side of the bridge, you gripped he edge and swung a heavy leg over. Not checking your balance, you swung the over leg over and stared at the rushing water beneath you.
It was like there were two lakes. Both attempting to merge into one, but never quite managing it.
As blackness appeared at the edge of your vision, you failed to hear the fast approaching footsteps.
You leant forward, and was about to let go of the bridge when two arms wrapped around you.
You kicked and screamed for them to let you go, but they didn't.
You were forcefully pulled back onto the bridge. You screamed, kicked, flailed around, sobbed, but they didn't let you go.
You broke down soon after being pulled back in the bridge. Why?! Why couldn't they just let you die?!
The person, whoever they were, turned you around and pulled you into their chest, allowing you to sob on their shoulder.
When all of your tears had dried up, you harshly shoved the person away.
You went to walk away, but the person grabbed your wrist, making you hiss in pain.
You tried to pull yourself out of their grip, but it didn't work.
You finally looked at the person who had stopped you killing yourself, and you vaguely recognised them.
He had long brown hair tied back into a low ponytail, and big brown eyes. He was slender, but not too slender. He went to your school, that was for certain, but how did you- oh wait. Now you remember. He was the only person in the whole school who never said it did a thing to you. He didn't do anything about the bullying either though. Yao, was his name.
His brown eyes stared intensely into yours, and you began to break down again.
He pulled you back into his chest and soothed you, whispering comforts to you. He sighed in relief when the sound of sirens could be heard getting closer.
You pulled away slightly and looked at him with tear-filled eyes.
"Y-Yao," you whispered, voice breaking. "Don't let me drown."

You like? Yes? No? Let me know!
(I have three things to say:
1) I'm getting therapy! I can finally address my problems in the right way!
2) the next one shot will be released in the next week or so
3) people love you. Your family, friends. Hell, I fucking love you. I need you. And I'm not just saying that. Writing these stories for you has helped me through some difficult times, as strange as it may seem, and I thank you for that. I love you, and you can always talk to me.)
FotD: you are loved and you are valid

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