Chapter 2

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     As I started to wake up, memories of last night came floods back to me. The Chase, Finn finding his mate and my mate finding me. I remember the overwhelming passion that filled my body as he moved closer to nd and sniffed along my neck. Just thought of it heated my skin and legs tremble. A deep growl and sudden movement behind me, made my eyes snapped open. It was only then that I realised that I was still in the woods and the soft warm I thought was my bed was, in fact, that same large grey wolf from last night. It had curled itself around me. Seemingly sensing that I was now fully awake, using its nose it moved my hair from neck and licked slowly up the column of my neck. My body shuddered which only encouraged it to repeat it's actions. I could feel my wolf trying to claw it's way out, I had never felt her so strongly. I could her growls of pleasure in my head, they mirrored my own moans. As his tongue ran up my neck for the third time, her growls erupted through me, which only seemed to please him more. My eyes stung and watered for a second, as the pain subsided and my vision cleared everything looked so much brighter and detailed. I felt like I was truly seeing the world for the first time. Seconds later my ears followed suit and everything amplified around me. I had never realised just how loud the woods really were. I could hear everything. I heard the flapping wings as the flew overhead, squirrels running through the branches of the trees and a cautious deer in the distance. I could now smell everything around me, the damp earth, the moss on the tree all the wold life. My wolf and I were now one, the last step would be my first transformation. The most noticeable sent I picked up was that of my mate, it as powerful and it was strong. I felt like home which told me he was was a fellow pack member, but there was more to, it carried authority. This was no normal wolf, it was Aaron. I froze for a second as the realisation of the situation hit me. If my mate Alpha Aaron Grey that would make me the future Luna of the pack. Panic quickly set in, what on earth did I know about being a Luna and running a pack. Yes, my training growing up covered many things, but not this. As if picking up on my uneasiness, my mate repeated his previous action of licking by my neck calming me almost instantly. As soon as I was truly calm, I rolled over to face Aaron's wolf. I ran my fingers through his fur and watched as his eyes closed at my touch. Like last night I hear and feel him growling with delight. I felt empowered to know that I could affect him in that way. I pressed myself into his fur a little more as the cold breeze hit my back. As I brought myself closer his body went rigid and his breaths turned into more of a pant. I could feel his heart pounding under my hand, his scent changed subtly which ignited something deep inside me. As his body began to tremble and howls filled the air, with my new heightened sense of hearing I knew it was coming from the Packhouse. It was time to head back before they sent out the search parties.

    I knew really we should be hurrying back but Aaron's wolf kept us at a slow steady pace. He kept his body close to me, making sure we kept some kind of physical contact. I don't know if it was from sleeping on the hard ground or from my wolf being closer to the surface, but my all my joints ached. I stretched my arms above my head, stretching out my arms, shoulder and back. For some reason, Aaron's wolf started growling beside and nudging me towards a tree until eventually my back was pressed against the bark. His amber eyes seemed focused my chest. As I looked down I saw my dress was ripped at the shoulder and was hanging down almost exposing my right breast. He stepped forward and nudged at the thin fabric as if trying to lift it back up.

"Ok I'll try and fix it," I said as he stepped back.
I took the fabric and tied it up as best I could. This seemed to please him as he now seemed to be happy enough to continue on our way. I guess his territorial protectiveness was beginning to kick in, now that we were getting closer to the Packhouse. He was trying to prevent other males from seeing what is now his. It was a little sweet and a little over the top. As the thought crossed my mind I heard my wolf growling in my head, she seemed to like the overprotectiveness. As we got closer the edge of the woods Aaron's wolf was visibly becoming more on edge. He seemed to be scanning the trees and his ears were perked up on high alert. I placed my hand on his fur and stroked him gently to try and ease his stress. I could feel his tense muscles ease under my touch. In the distance I could hear movement, sniffing the air I could up several different scents, most of which I could identify as my fellow pack members. There were a few that I couldn't quite place. With every step, we took the scents grew stronger and I was able to pick up even more. We were really getting close to the Packhouse now. All the scents and sounds were beginning to become a little overwhelming. My head was beginning to ache, I knew this was going to take some getting used to. Within a few minutes, I could start to see the pack house through the trees. I could see other wolves and females walking back. I could see people gathered closer to the houses welcoming everyone back.  As we walked into the clearing everyone in front of us stopped and looked our way. the instant attention was very unfamiliar to me, I could feel my cheeks burning up as we continued on our way to the house. My eyes were darting all over the place, looking at every face that was watching us. In the distance, I could see my father stood with my mother, who was grinning from ear to ear. she looked like she was going to explode with happiness. It annoyed me a little, that she got what she wanted. I wasn't going to hear the end of it for the rest of my life. My father, on the other hand, seemed indifferent, but he very rarely showed his emotion. No far from them I spotted Finn and Lucy, I couldn't help but smile at the two them. they both looked so happy as his arm was wrapped around her as she cuddled into him. I wondered if Aaron and I would be just as loved up, I hoped so because I wanted to be as happy as they were. with my concerns for my new Luna role, knowing that I was adored by my mate would make everything that much easier. as I continued to scan the crowd my eyes landed on a rather angry looking Stephanie, surrounded by her groupies, who looked just as miffed as she did. her stare was terrifying, her alpha blood was sending shivers down my side. as my body began to tremble with fear, Aaron's wolf liked my hand trying to reassure me. it was nice to know he cared for me. as we drew closer to the house, the crowd split to let us threw. as we passed them all they bowed their heads in respect, it made my face burn up once more. we finally came to a stop in front of Alpha grey and his luna. I bowed my head in respect for them, before looking back at them. He looked at me and smiled before looking at Aaron's wolf. 

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