She exasperatedly snorted. The man was more of a dunce than she thought if he required someone else to tell him what was so plain to see from the beginning, but then it hit her. Who was this 'her' he was referring to? It couldn't possibly be. . .!

"But, what I'm dying to know is who told you about the Celestial Warrior?" Kane inquired in a surly tone. "I said, who told you?" His stare gave way to a seething glower when he noticed she wasn't going to speak. He ran a twitching hand through his hair. "Fine. Have it your way, I'm done playing games with you. Even with the curse I cast upon you all those years ago, you still defy me." Her eyes cut to Kane immediately when he said that, and she noticed his diabolical smirk, his eyes still looking elsewhere. "Admirable, but careless." He met her stare once more, showing emotions that were nothing short of terrifying. "If you won't comply, I'll force the answers out of you."

Kane's fists clenched, a gathering of dark energy swirling angrily around his arms.

"That's quite enough, Kane." A strong voice ordered, and that's all it took for Kane to submit himself to whoever was talking, the sinister aura vanishing.

(Y/n) noticed a silhouette standing between the two Yiga outside – how she didn't feel another presence entering the vicinity was beyond her. Their hands were clasped in front of them while a cloak matching Kane's hid their body, but as she peered at the newcomer's face her world started spinning out of balance.

A tall, thin woman who wore a stern expression exchanged a brief conversation with the guards, her grey hair was pulled up into a neat and tidy bun, and the woman, despite her age, had no laugh lines etched around her mouth or eyes. She had a face so painfully familiar it left (Y/n) chocking to form a comprehensible sentence, but the words escaped her.

The woman opened the cell door, plucking one of the guards' torches out of their hand. She placed herself beside Kane, staring intently at (Y/n). "And, as for you, I think that's enough interrogating my most loyal subject, (Y/n)." Without sparing Kane a glance, the woman extended a hand toward the male sorcerer. "The sword."

He did as he was told, and the woman situated the blade onto her back.

"You may leave."

Kane went to argue-

"Begin preparation for the execution of the Sheikah we have captured thus far."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened at that. My sisters and I should be the only ones set up for execution. Why. . .?

Kane huffed, gave (Y/n) a deadly look, snapped his fingers at the Yiga guards to follow, and exited the prison. (Y/n) panicked. He couldn't leave, he was going to murder her brethren in cold blood! She needed to go-

Once there was a sound of another door shutting, entailing that the two females were alone, this oh-so-familiar stranger didn't hold back a hollow laugh, finding amusement in (Y/n)'s evident appallment shining in her eyes. The disdain in that short chuckle speared (Y/n)'s heart with a thousand blades.

All at once, for the first time in (Y/n)'s life, everything in her mind slammed to a halt.

No solutions.

No despair.

No guilt.

An absolute nothingness that swallowed (Y/n) into a pit of manic confusion.

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