After finishing my makeup and getting dressed, I woke my son up so I could do the same for him. I found it cute that he loved taking baths and smelling like a man. He was already picking out his clothes and what cologne he wanted to wear.

"You look handsome baby." I said kissing his cheek after I was done dressing him. He grabbed his little bag as I grabbed my purse and we stood in the full body mirror to take a picture before leaving.

"I wanna see." He said reaching for my phone. I chuckled and gave him my phone as I made sure we had everything and everything was turned off. Walking out of the hotel to my car, I held his little hand as his other hand carried my phone. I prayed to God he didn't drop it. I had just upgraded to the iPhone 8 Plus and didn't even have a case for it yet.

My heart pounded the closer I got to my parents' house. I could literally hear how fast my heart was going. My palms were sweating and I was becoming hotter by the second. I didn't know why I was so nervous right now.

Just like I thought, the driveway was packed. Cars and people were just everywhere. I had to park on the side of the street since it was the only little space left. Before getting out, I said a prayer to myself and applied a little bit more lipstick.

"Mommy." Braxton whined. I looked at him through the rearview mirror and saw him struggling to get out of his carseat.

I sighed. He was ready to get out so I couldn't camp out in my car forever, "Okay baby." I responded before getting out the car and getting him out as well.

I grabbed his hand so he wouldn't try me and run away. We were beginning to get stares from everyone and before I knew it, I was surrounded by one of my siblings.

"Bey!" Britany screamed. She ran over to me and pulled me into a big hug. That kind of made me happy to know that she wasn't upset with me for being away for too long, "I missed you so much." She said pulling away and looking down at Braxton.

"And hi handsome!" She said hugging Braxton. Braxton looked up at me for confirmation, making me laugh. I nodded my head, giving him the green light to greet his aunt.

"Where is everyone? And what are you drinking!" I asked.

She chuckled, "I'm not a baby anymore. I can get drunk with all the grown folks now. But it's Hennessey and Pineapple. Want some?"

I shook my head, "Not now."

I spoke to everyone that I passed by and knew. Most of everyone's attention was on Braxton but that was absolutely fine with me. I wanted less attention as possible.

Walking inside, I could instantly hear Solange and Shad's voice, like they were arguing. I came around the corner and the entire house went mute.

"Beyoncé?" My aunt frowned. She was the first one to say something and then it was like a game of dominos. Everyone had something to say, but thankfully it wasn't nothing too bad.

"Is that my baby?" My mama genuinely smiled and walked over to us. I thought she was coming to me with open arms but she reached down and picked up Braxton. I see I'm not wanted anymore around here.

He loved my parents. It's his first time meeting them, but through facetime and pictures he recognized their faces.

While my mom had Braxton, I walked around until I saw where my siblings were. It took me awhile since I kept on getting stopped.

Solange, Cole, Shad, Alexis, and Britany were all in the living room with my cousins playing cards and drinking. When Solange saw me, she pulled me into a big hug and kissed all over my face.

This Christmas (Book 2){COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now