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" brightest burns - for karina "

" brightest burns - for karina "

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His blood was rushing through his veins, nearly knocking out all the sound that surrounded him. The cars honking angrily as he bolted through the colorful streets of San Francisco.

It was his fault, really.

He'd overslept and completely ignored his alarm (he thought that maybe he should have gone with the tornado siren noise -- the happy wind chimes he'd chosen did nothing to rouse him from his silver and golden slumbers).

These things seldom happened to Christian Arroyo. He could have likened his life to a Disney Channel sitcom about lovey dovey things like friendship, kindness and bubblegum pop. He never went out of his way to hurt someone's feelings and, well, was a general angel. Christian was under the impression that karma was a real force in the way of the world -- guess not.

Why did the world hate him so?

In his rushing towards the Conservatory of San Francisco Community College, Christian made the honest-to-god mistake of bumping into someone. The sweet-hearted boy was in too much of a hurry to turn back and look at the one he'd bumped into, but if he had, he would have recognized a blast from his past.

(Of course, Christian would kick himself after coming upon that realization later).

Huffing and puffing, with his chubby cheeks stained red, Christian finally got to the door of his British Literature class with Mr. Bochy, one of the strictest teachers on campus. Christian knew he'd have his head on a plate when he walked through the door.

But then, wait -- there was a note!

The note on the door was simple and concise. that being said, its simplicity had nothing to do with the fact that it still made him want to jump off of the golden gate bridge.

Class had been cancelled.

"You alright?" a feminine voice called out from behind him. Christian whirled around and, if the wind hadn't been knocked out of him before, it certainly was now.

There was his ex, Karina, standing right in front of him, looking as beautiful as the day they had left for South America. What happened?

"Karina?" he couldn't believe his eyes. "Aren't you supposed to be in Brazil?"

They just smiled. "Surprise, Arroyo."

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