Chapter 8: Its been a month

Start from the beginning

"you look good in my shirt." Nash said.

"Oh do I?" I said and posed.

He laughed and walked closer to me and pulled me towards him into a hug. He squeezed me tightly and I hugged him back. Then we walked downstairs holding hands.

"Okay we are all going out today so you and Nash will be home alone. No sex." My mom said and left the house with the rest of my family.

Nash started laughing.

"Shes so embarrassing." I said.

"Not as embarrassing as my mom." Nash said plopping himself down on the couch.

"I beg to differ." I said.

He just laughed and we watched TV. We watched TV and cuddled for 3 hours until it was finally lunch time.

"What do you want to eat? Do you want to eat here?" I asked.

"I want to take you out. I'm going to go get ready." Nash said getting up.

"Oh okay." I said.

I got up with him and started to get ready. I put on make up and white shorts and a black tank top that says "stay weird" upside down and black vans. Then I straightened my hair and when I finished I went downstairs and Nash was sitting on the couch watching Drake and Josh.

"Ready!" I said coming down stairs.

He turned around and stared at me. "Babe you are so beautiful." He said walking up to me.

"Thanks!" I said and kissed him.

After a long kiss I broke it and we walked out of the house.

"Oh yeah.. we don't have a car." I said.

"Its okay. Lets walk!" Nash said.

"Okay!" I said taking Nash's hand and walking down the drive way.

"I think there is a Panera down a couple of blocks down." I said.

"Okay." He said.

"well my parents aren't going to be home till 7 so what do you want to do for dinner?" I asked.

"Picnic." He said almost immediately.

"Where?" I asked.

"Its a surprise." He said kissing my cheek.

"I don't like surprises." I said.

"Well you will like this one." he said.

"But we will have to leave after your parents come because I need a car." He said.

"how do you know how to get to this place?" I asked.

"Your  dad gave me some pointers." He replied.

"Oh." I said.

We eventually got to Panera and we talked and laughed about all sorts of things. Some where along the way he took a picture of me laughing. Then he posted it on twitter and said:

Lunch With The Baee <3

After we ate we walked home and then we agreed to make a cake. Then he went up stairs and when he came back down he was holding his camera and a tripod. 

"What are you doing? I thought we were going to make a cake!" I said.

"Oh we are. But I wanna film you, cutie. We can make it like a cooking show." He said.

"Good idea!" I said.


"Are you filming?" I asked Nash and then he started laughing from behind.


Nash just stood there trying to hold in his laughter. "CLAP!" I yelled jokingly.

He came up behind me and hugged from behind. "So first your going to want to make sure you have all of your ingredients. Your going to have to make sure that your boyfriend isn't anywhere near you because he will ruin your cake. You heard that Nash let go of me."

"No." he said stubbornly.

"baaaabbeeeee!" I said.

"Baaaabbeee its 'NASH AND ALYSSA'S  SHOW FOR PEOPLE WHO DONT KNOW HOW TO BAKE CAKES!' And my name happens to be Nash so I get to help you." He said and finally let go of me.

We were making the cake and then Nash started squirting whipped Cream all over me.

"Nash! What are you doing?!" I screamed.

He was laughing so hard. "Oh you are so going to get it!" I grabbed the bag of flour and dumped it on top of nash.

he stood there and wiped his eyes and spit out some flour "You wanna play that game? We can play that game!" Nash said grabbing the chocolate syrup.

"OH MY GOD! AAAH. NASH!" I yelled as he squirted the syrup all over me. I grabbed two eggs and smashed them on the top of his head.

We were both laughing hysterically at eachother. The floor was covered in a ton of things.   

"Uhhm soo.. well this isn't exactly the way to make a cake but we have to end the video here. Nash you end it I have to start cleaning this up! I let you stay at my house for 3 weeks and this is what you do to it?" I said laughing. He started laughing and said.

"Alright everybody thank you for watching if you liked this video give it a thumbs up. If you want to see more videos of me and Alyssa give it a thumbs up and comment what your favorite part of the video was. Thanks for watching!" and he turned off the camera.

I cleaned the kitchen while Nash was in the shower and then we switched. We were both ready for our picnic date when my parents came home. I put together what we wanted to eat and finalized the picnic basket and I asked my dad for the car. He said yes so Nash started driving to this unknown destination.

"Please tell me where were going!" I said while we were driving.

"No! Its a surprise babe. Your going to love it." Nash said.



I really hope you guys are liking the story so far. Sorry if im taking longer to update school has been getting in the way of everything. I hoped you liked this chapter if you did please vote it for me so I know you enjoyed it and don't be afraid to leave a comment. Means a lot to me if you guys are enjoying the story.

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