6. Distant Saviors

Start from the beginning

I still look to the ground because I'm embarrassed that I came too close to him. "Uh, yes. Thank you."

"You should be more careful!" I take a hesitant look at this person. His bright smile makes me remember clearly: It's Ho Seok.


While my eyes are wide and my cheeks flushed with red (from maybe either falling directly into his chest or all that running), he looks at me with a weird face for a moment, and then he says,"The bell's about to ring. We should go," he says. "Oh, and you should find time to fix yourself too."

"Oh.. Right, right," I say, dazed. Without even a goodbye, I just continue to run.

The bell rings once I appear at the doorway. The first thing that everyone does is stare at me. My neck tie is loose, my blouse is a few buttons unbutton, and my hair is messily ruffled. And let's not mention that I look like a complete country bumpkin because one of my sock sank down to my ankle while the other pulled up a good fight in staying in place. I now notice the reason why Ho Seok looked at me...

I hear distant chuckles, and I take cold a stare at the people who are laughing. They stop.

I walk over to my seat while the teacher surprisingly just minded me, but I did see a slight smile on his face. The only person I don't see smiling deviously is Jin.

When I go to my seat, I immediately fix myself. The only thing that is imperfect is that I don't have my blazer. Since my name tag is pinned onto it, she'll probably know who to return it to.

If she even has the slack to.


Jin's POV

We were having lunch, and instead of meeting at the roof, we decided to stay in class and eat. People, mostly girls, jumbled between Yoongi, Jimin, and me.

"Oppa! Lets hang out together one day!" said one girl I had no idea where she came from.

Yoongi spoke for me, "One day." He flashed his playful smile, and there was sound of squeals from around us.

"But we are mostly busy, so it'll unfortunately have to wait," I heard Jimin say. "We're sorrry!"

"Ah, oppa, it's okay. I'll be there at your performance! Could you give me an auto-graph?" She took out her notebook with purple colored pen.

My ears somehow shifted to the guys who were talking a few feet away from us.

"You should've seen that girl, Serri, this morning!" I heard them burst out laughing. "She looked like a complete hideous reck!"

"Really?! Man, I should've seen it!" There was even more laughter.

I glanced at them. "Hey, watch who you're talking about," I said.

The guy who was laughing scoffed, "What are you talking about? She's right over there dazing at the window. It's obvious that she can hear us, but she's not doing anything."

I glanced at where Serri was sitting. She looked like she was totally interested with what was out the window to even pay attention what these guys were saying about her.

I stared back to the guy for a moment, and he stared back. "What? Pretty boy wants to pick a fight?"

"What?! How dare you!" one of the girls shout at them. The guy backs down almost immediately. There were more unnecessary comments from the girl.

I stood up and held the lead girl who was firing flagrant words out of her mouth.

"You should stop Minji. You'll ruin your image," I said as I placed my hands on her shoulders. That surprisingly made her stop instantly.

"Oppa..." she said as she turned around to face me.

I smiled at her, but my eyes were somehow looking over at the girl who was still staring at the window.


Serri's POV

You could say for sure I heard every, single thing they said. But like always, I made it seem like I wasn't listening to them.

I continued to look out of the window. My definite attention was on JungKook who was playing basketball with other people.

His sincere smile seemed to comfort me as I was trapped in this classroom with a whole bunch of people blocking my exit. I saw him wipe off sweat with his shirt, and his muscles were quite prominent to anyone's eye.

Sometimes my eyes shifted to the to the lonely bench adjacent to a tree. It would be more nice to sit there than here, I deemed.

And what surprised me most was that Jin stood up for me.

I sighed. They were the extraordinary things I could only wish having.


Hello dear readers! I finally got to update this story~ Please bear with me with this chapter since it lacks that thing I cannot put into words. I seriously don't know..

But I will insert major drama soon! Please stay tuned!!

Oh and I finally changed the point of view (I'm sorry for letting you bear with no BTS). Since I feel like it lacks that openness (I guess that's the word?..), you would probably be reading more of the other members' POV from now on. More interested, yes?

Please remember to vote, comment, and follow! It will seriously motivate me to update more.

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