Chapter 21: Changes

Start from the beginning

I moan in ecstasy at the blissful pain. He pulls back shocked with my blood dripping from his mouth as he stares at me in disbelief. I watch as a multitude of emotions pass through his eyes the most prominent being fear and love. He licks my neck before licking his lips and tossing me on the bed. He makes quick work of removing my underwear. I gasp as his pink tinted lips land on my pussy. He spreads my legs open wider going to town like a starving man.

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I groan tossing to hide from the blinding sunlight and hit a hard chest. I open my eyes to see Vincent sleeping peacefully with a vice like grip on my waist. Everything from last night rushes back to me. Oh fuck my life. Clearly I need to get my shit together if I'm fucking my best friend's fiancé's father. Though it was the best sex of my life and it definitely wasn't my first time at the rodeo. The man has a crazy sex drive and I thought I was bad. It's probably because he's a fucking vampire. I lift my hand up feeling the bite marks, nope def wasn't just a dream. I can't help but to think about the look in his eyes last night. Shit, it was amazing sex but based on the look in his eyes he wants more than I can give. I've never been a relationship girl and I won't start now. It's best to leave now before shit gets complicated. I carefully lift his arm from my waist and slowly get out the bed. I tip toe around getting my belongings.

"Where do you think you're going?" his voice stops me from opening the door completely.

I spin on my heels, "home, last night was fun but it can't and won't happen again."

"Negative." Before I can move an inch he's in front of me shutting the door and undressing me. He places me back in the bed before cuddling close to me. "You're stuck amore, don't think of leaving again until I release you. Clear?"

I nod and he kisses me softly before closing his eyes. What the fuck did I get myself into? Shit, shit, shit.

Reagan POV

I open my eyes only to meet hazel one and I can't help but to sigh. "We can't keep doing this" I say softly staring into the eyes I love.

He sighs, "I know" he rolls over so he's lying on his back.

Ever since Thanksgiving we've been making time to sleep with each other. How can something so perfect be so complicated? It's not like I can leave the damn boy alone. He's my heart and soul I don't want to live in a world without him. He's my high school sweetheart for crying out loud, there's no love like that. I just can't keep sleeping with him like everything is peachy when it's not. When Damon first went off to college and we didn't work it broke me. I can't go through that again.

"We need to either get it together or..." I pause trying to keep my emotions under control, "let it go once and for all."

"You know it's not that simple Ginny" he says softly.

I move straddling his lap, "It is D, if we love each other as much as we say we do then it's that simple" I exhale deeply, "I was broken and it took me a very long time to be okay I can't go through that again. If we have no future let me know now so I can move on."

He reaches out wiping a tear I didn't know I shed. "I know but I don't want to make a commitment I won't be able to keep. I love you too much for that. I'm graduating in a few months and I'm looking at job offers that may not keep me on the east coast."

I sniffle, "what are you saying."

He exhales, "I'm saying I don't want to disrupt your life or have either of us feeling like shit."

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