Shocking yea, but what could you do? You were assigned to this life. No love. No emotions. No family, nothing.

Well... The emotions on the other hand... You shook your head as you shut your eyes immediately, forcing those random thoughts out of your mind.

You couldn't let something as petty as that get in the way of your mission.

Oh and did you mention? You were hunting for someone by the name of Suga. Min Suga.


The next day came and you made you way to school much to your reluctance.

Your organization forced you here one, to hunt down Suga, two, in hopes that you could study more about the human behavior.

It was stupid, pure bullshit.

They just wanted you far and away from the organization, who on earth needed to study their own species?

Rolling your eyes, you suddenly felt someone head locking you and you gasped in surprise, trying to hold yourself back from elbowing the person and flipping him over like how you trained. "Ow ow ow," you whined as you remembered about your shoulder, hoping that it could be an excuse to get the person to stop. "Shit sorry," he gasped as he released you instantly. "Stupid Yoongi," you murmured as you shot a playful glare at him.

Hey, the organization didn't specify if you could have friends. But he wasn't really your friend... It was more complicated than that... "What happened?" He asked as his eyes showed concern, making your heart thump louder than it already could. "Not..nothing wrong haha," you brushed his comment aside, trying to hide the fact that you were very close to blushing.

Emotions was something the organization thought you not to have. These weird feelings were new and they only happened when he was around... "Aye, take care of yourself better," he smiled as he ruffled your hair. "Mean," you grumbled back, trying to ignore the butterflies fluttering in your tummy. "Let's go," he said as he smiled, a smile spreading across your face too.

Heading towards you class, you sat beside Yoongi, getting the seat closer to the window.

Throughout the lesson, you were practically deep in your own thoughts.

Looking at the reflection in the mirror, you spotted his green hair and couldn't help but let your thoughts drift to Suga.

Couldn't be him could it? Yoongi was nice, he was friendly, and he was perfect. Suga was a cold, emotionless, killing machine... Just like you...

But they both had the same, green hair. Your organization even specified that that assassin was definitely in this school.

Biting your lip, your mind was in a mess as you tried finding some logical solution as to who the assassin could possibly be.

Your mind wandered slightly and you realized that one day, you would have to let Yoongi know. He would have to know the truth.

But you couldn't lose him. He was your first friend. First person you actually cared for. First cru... The bell suddenly rang, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Let's go somewhere," you heard him say suddenly, making your eyes widen by surprise.

His hand grabbed yours hurriedly, causing electrifying sparks which danced along your skin, at the place his hand grabbed. "Ya..." You couldn't even argue before being pulled away.

-BTS Short Imagine-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora