No One

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Here is Suga Angst (Very shot, please excuse it)

Your eyes widened when Yoongi suddenly threw a famed photo of you two onto the ground. It cracked right in between the two of you. You stared at the photo with tears in your eyes and wondered how you two became like this. The smiles you two had on the photo were so bright that you can get through anything. Yoongi grabbed the vase by the kitchen and smashed it leaving small pieces of glass on the hardwood floor. The tears kept running down your eyes when you tightly shut them and continued on hearing things getting thrown around.

You've had enough and closed your ears with your palms screaming on the top of your lungs. "Stop it!" You opened your eyes staring straight at him as he stopped what he was doing. One of your couple cups was close to also being smashed if you haven't scream. He set the cup down while you calmed down. You put your hands down, "Enough."

"What do you want me to do about it?" Yoongi angrily pointed at himself on the chest. "Don't you think it's also tiring for me?!" He let out a sigh in frustration, "Do you even want me anymore? After hearing what everyone had said about us, do you want to just stay as far away from me as possible?" He then yelled, "No one want us to be together! Families, one!"

More tears fell down your face hearing his harsh words. "I don't care," you quietly said. "Please-" He grabbed the cup he had earlier and finally smashed it. The room became silent with just the sound of both of your hard breathing.

Your eyes returned back to the photo of you two happily smiling. Things weren't always like what the photo was showing about your relationship. It was just as hard in the beginning. You knew it would be hard, but the way he always make you feel made everything seemed like it was fine. Words about you two never left the moment you two were together and you could care less, but it's been too much. The harsh words being thrown at both of you piled up inside both of your chests and it led to this moment.

Your eyes never left the photo as you thought about turning back the time where you two were just full of smiles; walking in storms and sunny days together, hand-in-hand. Then your eyes moved down the promise ring on your finger. More tears left your eyes as you heard the words of promising to stay by each other no matter how hard it's going to be. Your fingers held onto the end of your summer dress and they fisted into a ball. The veins on your hand popped while you tried your hardest to hold back more tears.

"I'm tired," you finally heard Yoongi said. "This relationship is tiring me out." You couldn't hold back anymore and the tears flowed down one after another. You saw his hands moving at the corner of your eyes and heard something small being thrown your direction.

Your eyes followed the sound and his promise ring landed next to the creamed couch. Your tears felt hot and the inside of your chest felt like its being stabbed multiply times. You stared at the ring as tears continued to roll down your now pale face. You shut your eyes again not wanting to believe what was happening.

Yoongi began to walk pass you to the door, but you stopped him by holding his cold hand and looked at each other with sad eyes. He swung his arms slapping your hand off of him. You couldn't say anything. It was like you're choked by your tears and no words came out. The tears replaced your words. You watched him slowly disappear as he loudly slammed the door.

You kneel down crying and screamed out the pain inside of your chest. You covered your face feeling your wet face. "Don't go," you said between tears. You couldn't hear anything, but the sound of you desperately crying for him to come back and stay with you.

The end.

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