Personal Tutor

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Personal Tutor


I let out a sigh as I dropped myself down on the floor, leaning over on the table; I rested my head on my arms as I started to pay attention to what was on TV. Switching channels repeatedly. First day of my new job was tiring. Where do I work? Well, since I'm only 18 and still waiting for my acceptance letter at the college known as "Korea University" to come, I not too long ago sent in a form to work at Oasis, because why not? Oasis is a Boba Tea shop, the best thing about that job is that there's this really attractive guy who also works there, his name is Jeon Jungkook. He sure is attractive. *Sighs*. "Irene! ~ I'm home!" Shouted a very familiar voice, who's voice did that belong to? No other than your best friend since Kindergarten, Park Jimin. We live together in a shared apartment. Weird huh? A boy, and a girl, in a shared apartment.


We must be having heaps of fun together under the blankets. Haha, no. That's gross, he's my best friend so, not thanks. He's 19, going on bloody 20 in a few months. How did we meet? Well, our parents are good friends and I went to the same elementary school as him, he was in 2nd, I was in kindergarten. He was basically my "2nd older brother" because he always watched over me at recess, sat with me at lunch, helped me with my homework which was super hard for me at the time because I hated the fact that I was in school, away from my parents. He also teased me a lot like my BLOOD related brother. But I still love them both hahaha. Okay, anyways, Jimin got accepted into the college I applied to last year and so did my older brother. So I want to go there so I won't be completely alone and the college seems perfect for me.

Someone covered my eyes with their hands gently, "Guess who~" I chuckled a bit,

"Uhhh...Jimin-ah?" Jimin gasped,

"Whaaaaa? How did you know?"

"Well you're the only person in the house.." I laughed,

"Okay, okay, my turn!" Jimin giggled, pushing me aside and sitting in my spot, I stood up and covered his eyes with my hands,

"Guess Who~" I mocked,

"Is that you, Irene?" Jimin asked,

"Correct!" I smiled; he grabbed my wrists gently and brought them down to his neck so now my hands were "wrapped" around his neck. He held into my wrists gently and looked up with that cute smile on his face,

"So how was your first day of work, Chen?" *Chen is my middle name*. "It was great! I also saw someone really cute, ahahah" I blushed, Jimin smirked,

"Ooh la la, do tell!" He joked,

"Well, he works there, he's the same age as me, he's really shy around me and his name is Jeon Jungkook."

"He sounds cute, does he have a girlfriend?" Asked Jimin,

"Not that I know of...but it's not like I have a huge crush on him." I rolled my eyes. Jimin stood up and sat the both of us on the couch,

"Hm. Have you said anything to him?"

"Well I only said hi and I said, 'So, nice weather we're having, right?' And I ended up slipping and falling on my ass in front of him, WHICH he gasped and helped me up and asked if I were alright with a small laugh" Jimin busted out laughing,


"YAH! DON'T LAUGH AT ME!" I shouted, flicking his forehead.

"YOU REALLY ARE CLUELESS WHEN IT COMES TO TALKING TO GUYS!" Jimin laughed, holding onto his stomach and crying for mercy. I scoffed,

"Okay, I get it, I embarrassed myself in front of him, no need to make me feel bad" I stood up, folding my arms across my chest and was about to walk to my room until Jimin held onto my waist.

He was still snickering and tears were threatening to fall.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop" Jimin laughed and exhaled, wiping his eye.

"Jimin-ah, let go of me" I replied softly, keeping my head and attention towards the TV. Jimin wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed me down on the couch, crawling on top of me, I was utterly startled by this and my eyes grew wide as I stared up at him who was still smiling at me, but this time, his expression changed. He looked a bit...mischievous. The boy on top of me leaned down slowly towards my ear, "Want me to teach you a few things?" He whispered huskily. My face started to heat up, my heartbeat quickened. Jimin has never done this to me before; it's so...different of him.

"Jimin-ah, stop playing around" I mumbled, blushing, grabbing onto his shoulders and trying to push him off. He wouldn't budge.

His stare was dark and he was looking me dead in the eye.

"You want to know more about boys, don't you? Well let me help you" he replied, licking the "shell" of my ear. I shivered; I covered my mouth with my right hand, the little hairs on the back of my neck rose. I could feel his faint breath against my ear, I was frozen, and I didn't know what to do.

"You really are a newbie, Chen. Look, your ear is red, and so is your face" he chuckled, he then started licking my ear all over, which I reacted by resisting and moved my hands once again to push him away. But he would have none of it as he took both my hands and pinned it down next to our heads, and to make sure my legs didn't move about too, he slid one of his legs between both of mine. I sucked in my breath, I shut my eyes tightly, and my heart was pounding out of my chest.


My mind was all over the place.

"J-Jimin-ah- I-" "Shh.." he hushed me, by dragging his tongue down my jawline, and sucking on my neck, I turned my head to the opposite side. *Holy fuck, what am I doing!?*. My breath got heavier and heavier with every second that passes. I felt his lips on my sweaty skin continue its trail of kisses downwards till he reached my one of my collarbones. He nipped at my left collarbone before picking up my neck, painfully slowly, he pulled away once he reached my chin, he went dangerously close to my ear again, "That's the end of our lesson today" he whispered, licking my ear, I could feel his smirk against my ear as he pulled away and went to his room. I laid there on the couch. Breathless, confused on what the fuck just happened.

"What the fuck just happened?"

-BTS Short Imagine-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon