Chara Takes Action

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Section one, Chapter one.


"You're not truly Chara. . are you?" Asriel said shakily, wiping away his tears. He laughed pitifully once more, looking at the Fallen Human.

"What. . is your name. .?" He asked, his green eyes staring into the Human's closed ones, before he heard a soft reply. "Frisk. .? That's, a nice name. .!" The fallen Prince complimented, laughing once more. Before his laughing slowly turned to crying.

"Chara's. . been gone for a long time, and I. . I just didn't want to let go. Not yet." He sniffled, and soon Frisk walked up to the crying Asriel, and wrapped their arms around him. Gently patting his back as Frisk comforted Asriel, letting Asriel just cry.

"How dare you. . how dare you act so innocent?" Chara muttered, watching as their brother being comforted by a demon in disguise. "you don't deserve a happy ending! You caused them so much heartache! So much agony!" Chara cried out, and shut their eyes. Were they crying? If so, they couldn't feel their salty tears run down their ghostly cheeks.

"Asriel. . Asriel!" Chara called out, but Asriel didn't hear. "brother! Please! Listen to me!" They continued, reaching out a transparent hand toward their beloved brother. "please. . don't let them take you from me again. ." Chara sniffled, their red eyes peering to Frisk. . how much they hated that demon. How much they hated how nice they acted after killing everyone they knew.

Chara could feel something boil within them. . Raw and vengeful, a feeling that wouldn't go away and Chara's emotions only fed the flames. They grabbed their arms, letting more tears fall as they felt the feeling engulf them entirely. .

Once more, Chara opened their eyes. . they felt, different. Renewed, and they looked at their body. No longer transparent, had their own determination brought them back? And even if so. . how long would it last? Chara looked in their hand, noticing a real knife. . Red eyes focused on Frisk's back, and ran. 

Silence ensued them all, even Asriel's crying halted.

Frisk gurgled, feeling blood sputter from their mouth. Asriel took a step back, his green eyes widened at the sight before him, a knife tip and a hand stuck out of Frisk's torso. Blood gushing from the new wound as Chara retracted the knife, Frisk's soul popped out. . and began to shatter.

But, right before it shattered. Chara's hands wrapped around it, encasing it. . Chara had no soul of their own, but since Frisk had sold their soul for a erasure of the world. .

Chara forcefully took over Frisk's soul, leaving Frisk as nothing more than a soulless being, like Chara once was. Frisk looked at the once Fallen Child of Man, and smiled. 

* You feel yourself dying, yet you smile and give a thumbs up. You've lost your SOUL yet you've seen every ending. Now it's time to move on.

Chara only watched as Frisk, a once pure and good hearted child, died infront of them. The green-yellow striped child turned to Asriel, who had begun crying once more. Before he turned to his once-sibling.

"Chara. . is that, really you?" Asriel asked shakily, and Chara nodded. Dropping their knife to the floor and walking to tightly embrace their brother, Asriel tensing as he felt the crimson liquid stain his clothing as well.

"I've missed you so much Brother. . I always wanted to comfort you like this, and be able to talk to you. . I'm so sorry I didn't do this sooner. . I could've saved you earlier." Chara muttered, and held Asriel closer, placing their face into his shoulder, beginning to sob softly.

"I will find a way to save you, I promise. We will finally get our happy ending, no matter what it takes. I swear." Chara said, their intentions clear to Asriel.

"Chara. . Alright, I trust you. and I've always missed you too. . please, never leave me again." Asriel smiled weakly, and Chara lifted their hand to Asriel's cheek, gently rubbing away their brother's tears. "I promise Azzy, I promise. We'll make you a soul, and we'll all be happy finally. But. . I might have to Reset, to be able to talk to Alphys about making an artificial soul for you. . I refuse to live life on the surface without you, Azzy." Chara admitted, before holding out their hand. Summoning the Reset button. 

"I'll see you soon, Azzy." Chara leaned, and their hand pressed the button.

"See you soon, Chara!" Asriel yelled out, before everything went black.

Chara was now in control, and Chara held their Determination to save their brother, and finally get the ending they strived for, they were DETERMINED to save their Brother.

* The Promise you made to Asriel is true, keep it close to your heart and you will never fail.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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