Keith's In Trouble... Again

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After Shiro jogged off from Keith he started sprinting down the corridor. He didn't quite lie to Keith, he just... equivocated. Yeah, equivocated. That's what he told himself, whilst he was off to the school's gym- he was also off to watch Matt workout. Yes, Shiro is dating him and he wasn't as sly as Keith let him believe- it was so obvious. Regardless Shiro loved watching Matt work out, he remembers when he was a scrawny little kid but after what happened he decided to buff himself up. Matt wasn't doing much, besides just doing his normal cardio he was doing bench pressing. What Shiro wanted to see however, was Matt going to the dance studio. There was a younger student there called Lance, he helped Matt stretch and they both did acrobatics and pole exercises.

Shiro wasn't pining Matt, though that's what most would believe, they had actually been dating for almost 2 years now. Matt knew Shiro came to watch him, that's why he always left stretching till last- since he knew it drove Shiro crazy and it always makes things interesting. Nevertheless, Matt always stretched after his workout besides from driving Shiro crazy it also helps- if he didn't then man would he be sore tomorrow.

Lance wasn't at the gym today, presumably he had a class, but Shiro didn't mind since it would just be Matt in there. Shiro had just gotten in and sat down, time seemed to fly by because by the time he snapped back to reality all he could here over the PA system was, "Can Mr Kogane please come to the principal's office. I repeat, can Mr Kogane please come to the principal's office."

'For fuck sakes' Shiro thought to himself, he sighed as he got up and collected his things. "Sorry babe, I'll have to watch another time." He said to his boyfriend, exasperation high in his voice and a frown upon his face. Matt pouted and sprung up behind his boyfriend, jumping on his back and attacking his cheek and neck with kisses before laughing and kissing his lips. "Don't be too harsh on him babe, for all you know it might not even be his fault." He trailed his finger along Shiro's jaw before going back to stretch, "I'll see you later?"

Shiro's voice cracked as his struggled to get the right words out before letting out a high pitched "mhmm." And with that he was out of the door.

Matt chuckled as soon as he was gone, he was dating a guy that couldn't get flustered by anything... except when Matt was stretching and teasing him. After all, he knows Shiro's weaknesses by now.

Shiro was off, he was fuming. Anybody who knew anybody had experienced Shiro when he was pissed. New students and old had met, or at the very least seen, Shiro and knew that he was a good guy with a good heart. But, when people got him pissed and you heard him walking down the corridor that you got out of the way. And you stayed out of the way. It wasn't that he stomped down the corridor, no, it was the fact that he walked so calmly- the clack of his heels along the fake marble floor was enough to send chills down anybody's spine. Including teachers.

Lance had heard the PA system announce for the new kid to go to the principal's office. He chuckled, "The new kid's already in trouble. I wonder what he did." Lance said aloud to himself. What he didn't hear however, was that ominous clacking of heels swiftly coming up behind him. He turned around at the last moment to see Shiro striding along the corridor, Lance was about to wave before he saw the look and side stepped out of the way. Shiro glided by swiftly, but Lance could tell that today was the day that somebody was going to die. 'Let's just hope it's not that new kid' he thought to himself.

In a spur of the moment decision Lance decided to follow. Not because he was being nosy, no, it was just in his theatrical nature to find out whatever was going on. Plus, he was being nosy. But that didn't matter, so Lance trailed behind him- keeping enough of a distance to not be suspicious but close enough to not lose him. He felt like a ninja, he loved it or an assassin stalking a target. Lance can't help thinking like this, his mama always said he had an overreactive imagination but it was also just the actor inside of him. After stalking after Shiro they arrived at the Principals office door, they could both already hear somebody getting a bollocking.

Without even stopping, Shiro courteously knocked on the door once with his knuckles and without waiting entered.

As soon as he entered Shiro was livid. "Mind my language Sir," said Shiro calmly "But what the fuck Keith!" he let out an exasperated sigh.

The Principal coughed just loud enough to wretch Shiro's death stare away from Keith. He said lightly, "Mr Shirogane. May I remind you that we are in a school, so if you could please just lower your voice and tone down the swearing, that'd be most appreciated."

Shiro's facial expression softened, "Yes of course, my apologies Sir." He pivoted back to Keith whom, even though this has happened before, had shrunk into his chair, trying to escape from Shiro. "Y'know trying to make yourself as small as possible doesn't work, right? I can still see you.

Keith huffed. "I know that Shiro." He suddenly sat up defensively, "But it wasn't my fault, I swear!"

"So tell us what happened then Keith?" Shiro asked, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose with that same tired expression Keith had seen all too many times before. Shiro never liked to get mad. Truth be told he wasn't even mad, just tired and slightly annoyed because he wanted to keep Keith close after what happened at the last school.

He opened his mouth, not a sound escaping his lips. Normally there was a defiant 'but it wasn't my fault!' But there wasn't. It's not that it was entirely Keith's fault of course, that dumb kid should looked where he was going so that he... could. So that he could stare at that boy. "Shit" Keith said aloud without realising. He realised he'd said it aloud and snapped his head up, he came up to see that Shiro had an eyebrow quirked in confusion, and the Principal wore a tight scowl- presumably at Keith's language. "Sorry. It was nothing, I was trying to walk up the steps and this stupid kid wasn't watching where he was going. So he ended up walking into my fist as I was putting my headphone in. That's... that's all Shiro." But he knew that wasn't what actually happened, he was staring. Staring at that cute boy, with the tanned skin, and beautiful blue eyes, and a laugh that could light up anyone's day, and his hair clipped back that looked as soft and light and fluffy as a cloud that Keith just wanted to run his hands through for days. He quickly realised that his thoughts were leading down a dangerous path, that plus his cheeks were heating up and Shiro would never let him live it down had he known. "Now can we hurry up and sort out my punishment or whatever!?" He snapped.

"Easy Keith, cool it with the aggressiveness. You're not in too much trouble, after all the child in question nor his parents saw any harm in it so nothing's being done there." Shiro stated calmly. However, there was a 'but' coming and Keith knew it. He anticipated it. "But, I think it would be best that you become one of the stage hands for the drama department after school, that way I can keep an eye on you. Wouldn't you agree Sir?" He stated, in that cool calm but also dangerous way that screamed 'You best agree with me, for your own sake.' Therefore, he did not. And Keith's punishment was set, he'd have to go to the drama rehearsal space every time they had a practice until the play was performed.

Lance was knelt down outside, his ear pressed to the door. 'Did I just hear right? The new kid's gonna be spending the whole time with us!? I mean, it's not a bad thing. He is kinda hot, I suppose' he thought to himself. 'Though he's not my type.' Or so he thought. But he was ripped from those thoughts as he heard shoes clacking against the floor, coming towards the door. 'Lance move!' he screamed to himself, internally, and shot up before darting around the corner of the corridor- just as he came out. 'I've got to find out his name. And how he knows Shiro so well.' That was his plan. And at rehearsal was the perfect time to do so.

What Lance was unaware of, and Keith, was that neither of them might not be what either first assumed about one another. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 02, 2017 ⏰

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